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Move Over Google --OpenAI is at your gates!


Well-Known Member
After OpenAI first introduced ChatGPT in November 2022, early users saw in the chatbot's ability to dig up and summarize information from the web a potential replacement for conventional web search

And there you have it, the search engine and SEO business is about to get upended. Welcome to the future of search.

I think this was inevitable to happen, the writing was on the wall. We will see how this turns out in real time.

Stay tuned ...

The article is behind a paywall for me, so I skipped over to the SearchGPT site:

"Now, we’re using AI to enhance this experience by highlighting high quality content in a conversational interface with multiple opportunities for users to engage."

It sounds like G may be left in their dust.

This is a great heads-up. Now's the time to prepare, especially for those who use content (Bum) marketing.
Attached the txt for you from that page

“SearchGPT is designed to help users connect with publishers by prominently citing and linking to them in searches.”

My initial thought was that this is great, could be auto-linking to an affiliate's site or landing page. Then, I wondered if SearchGPT would disregard those types of sites. I don't know if anybody knows that, yet. Another stellar reason for stellar content, just to be sure, I guess.

There’s also the question of potential copyright violations. Perplexity in particular has been criticized by publications, including WIRED, for copying aspects of original journalism with its AI search tool and seeming to ignore requests not to take content from some websites.

Downside apparently, is that some of your stuff can appear on other sites or theirs on yours, regardless of whether or not you want them to. If I'm understanding that correctly. has pivoted to being more of a business-focused research tool.

I just learned something new, had never heard of
This sounds like a paid endorsement. :rofl


If you click the News link at the top and scroll down a page or two, there isn't nearly as much mention of it (OpenAI) that I could see.

Is Google jealous of the new baby?
The main threat/opportunity in Google right now is not AI
its branding and following EAT principles
established brands with Google Maps listing a physical address and website links to social media esp Linkedin bios
this is what Google is focusing on
the actual content is less important to Google
also established brands are more likely to use other Google services via a credit card like PPC ads
i just dont see AI as such a threat as branding, cos everybody has cheap and easy access to AI but not everbody is as able (or as willing) to create strong branding
established brands with Google Maps listing a physical address and website links to social media esp Linkedin bios
So, Google likes small fish? I am assuming we are talking retail B2C, or wholesale C2C also services with local points of sale.

AI can answer most questions (within its corpus data) without the commercial motives of a search engine. That is what I am talking about.
It's your government --they have to comply with the Canadian laws an regulations --probably privacy law related?
Sadly, that was my thought, too. Only a lot of people here call it censorship.

I was only trying to access, the homepage, to do a search on a registration. Geez!

If I'm suddenly gone, you'll know what happened. I wasn't able to "get out". :rofl
I was thinking about that this morning. I tried resetting the router, I got to see one page. Then .ca started acting up, I got to search twice on that. Both sites work on my phone, just not on my laptop and it's a sudden thing.

Just occurred to me that my Avast updated yesterday, maybe it believes G to be evil.

DuckDuckGo, on the other hand, has not let me down. Unfortunately, they haven't quite reached G's level for the type of digging I do sometimes.
I haven't been able to access G
Problem least today.

My son-in-law was having the same problem. He cleared his cookies and voila! it was back.

So, I cleared cookies this morning and I was able to use .com, didn't try .ca. DDG no longer lets me access it from the search bar directly but I can load G and do any searching from there when/if I want to.

Fingers crossed that settles it. If not, I'll just set my FF cookies to delete every time I close a window.

So, if anyone else has this issue......try clearing your browser cookies.
I save 'wanted cookies' from websites I need them for and delete all other (see manage cookies) cookies when closing the browser. Google cookies are not needed in Firefox :p
Yeah, I went in and cleared the ones I didn't need. is still working, so far so good. I can vet registrations without it but it catches some stuff that DDG doesn't.