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My affiliate studies (-: Have some question on SEO tricks


New Member
Hello All!
I have been reading up on SEO search optimization methods 2 hours over the night and its pretty overwhelming the amount of different strategies for posting, content and back links from other websites I guess in some sort of partnership which I'm not too excited about. I am now looking for short cuts as I don't have the time nor energy with already having a full time job, the wife, the kids etc?So, I want it quick and now and would love to hear more about this Black Hat SEO tricks, what is it and how can I use it. Where can I go to make it happen and get traffic now for my affiliate websites?
All the best - Daniel.

It's unbelievable how mach info i found on the net...but as mach that i fill in info to my brain i got more more confused.
I am now looking for short cuts as I don't have the time nor energy with already having a full time job, the wife, the kids etc?So, I want it quick and now

That's not going to happen on the net. Everything worth having takes time. If you don't have the patience, you really should be looking at other ways to make money.

and would love to hear more about this Black Hat SEO tricks, what is it and how can I use it.

Not recommended. Even when they do work, they only work for a short time. And you're not going to hear about them here.
I understood you...

I will probably need to advice with a professional seo...but i still whiling to learn it and to do it by myself in the close further.

Thank you!
We have lots of tips in our SEO forum about GOOD SEO, but don't deal with Black Hat SEO and neither should you. It will probably get you in trouble in the long run.