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Hi im doing job in SEO frm the last 8 months and im start my career in SEO ,,at that i have a knowlede of SEO techniques for more traffic on website but i dont know abt.. PPC and i need advice that there is a future in SEO or not, if not can i change my SEO line....
You have picked a good profession. I forsee SEO for a long stable career for anyone willing to become a top SEO specialist.

The difference between successful and non successful SEO's has and will always be the dedication to being the best that you can be and stay away from the spotlight.

This job is ever evolving because we are at the mercy of the engineers of the major search engines and they can undo months or even years of your work if you do not study, research, and stay on top of your game.

Now, here is something I have been trying to teach people here on the forums since I have become a member here, and that is traffic is the first priority of SEO, but not the ultimate priority. You can have millions of visitors to a site, but if that traffic is not targeted, it is 100% worthless 95% of the time (there is a purpose for non targeted traffic). I guess what I am getting at is that SEO's are marketers, not just traffic generators.

You need to have a strong understanding of buying triggers, how and when to use them, know what type of traffic you need for each type of site to make them profit.

SEO can be broken down into several catagories, link link building, onpage, design, internal link structure, writing, press releases, psychology , social sciences and many more fields.

You do not have to master each field, but you must know how , where and when to use each and have the ability to direct others to put the total program together.

Study, become the best you can and this can be a rewarding and long career. You can apply the same to PPC.
