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Need expertise from people with experience!


New Member
Hello fellow Affiliatefix users.

I have recently started my journey where my goal is to make a living out of promoting different CPA/CPL offers where my main traffic source is PUSH. Propellerads, Noviclick & Richads for a start. The main vertical im going with is Casino but im also interested in Dating. However, i feel dating is saturated and there is MANY big players in that vertical who already have everything pinned down.

Keep in mind other verticals is also interesting if you have great experience in them and can prove this. Basically anything that can be scaled to the moon.

So i've been presented with a deal i simply couldnt turn down and now im looking for someone with EXPERIENCE (in recent times and that can prove results) to help me out getting started. So the deal i got is that my partners fund EVERY campaigns.. meaning i can spend up to 1000$ a day in ad-spends but currently and thus far i've not been able to produce much results. Its important to say that my spends have been very modest as well because i wanna find something that works before optimizing and scaling. Also important to know that if we find profitable campaigns, we can spend more than 1k$ a day without any problems.

I have ALL tools needed (voluum for tracker. Anstrex+Adplexity push for spytools) and a DEV team that can rip any landingpages on the web. I also spend enough with the networks so they also provide me with creatives of any choise i want.

What do i need and what can i offer to you that has experience in the field and results you can show to from recent times?

A GREAT opportunity where you will split the profits with me 50/50 (after ad-spend). This can mean a lot of money for both you and me.
A GREAT opportunity for you also to be able to take your skills to the next level with unlimited spendings.
A team that is HIGHLY competitive and has TONS of experience with different angles that will be our backer in this project (all costs covered by them).

As previously mentioned, i need you to show me solid results from recent times and this will be checked as we are serious about this and our goal is to make 30-50k$++ a month very soon. Possibly more if we find winning verticals and can scale them in multiple countries and with multiple networks.

Send me a message here on AF and provide me your skype + what experience you have and we will have a chat.
We look to get started ASAP so grab this chance and lets scale to the moon together.

Im free on skype tonight if anyone with relevant experience finds this interesting.
Keep in mind you dont pay anything, its a straight 50/50 profit split deal where you provide the expertice and we fund all campaigns etc. Hit me up in inbox after reading main post.
You will not find it easy to recruit for this position. Anyone that has what you require is already doing it for themselves. You offer nothing. In addition, you are asking for credentials from an applicant, but you have not presented any credentials yourself. If you think that someone of my caliber would be willing to trust you to pay me without an established escrow & trust account you are sadly mistaken. While offering half of what someone with my credentials make on their own, you want to learn how to do it while watching me do it! I've spent more than 20 years learning what I know and you think I'll work for half price and teach you for free.

None of us with the credentials you require will work for an unknown person, for half the price, and provide our extended knowledge of the industry for free!

Want my knowledge, be prepared to pay BIG MONEY!
Hey @T J Tutor . Well, i offer people with experience the chance to do campaigns together with me alongside learning away things to me but where myself pays for all the expenses. If one can scale a campaign to say 2k$ spend/day the money that person who helped would make probably wouldnt be too bad, right?

Im of course willing to have an established escrow & trust account if that is what it takes.

And when you say "Want my knowledge, be prepared to pay BIG MONEY!"... what do you mean by big money? ;) Im sure we could figure something out.
Or 5k$ adspend a day, i mean whatever it would be.. You are right that people with my required knowledge probably already do so.. But i also know that money is a problem for some and that stops them from scaling to where they wanna be.. :)
i also know that money is a problem for some and that stops them from scaling to where they wanna be.. :)

You are just trying to justify to yourself these claims. The companies out there that want in on this industry pay far more than you offer to learn how to do it. Any affiliate that can, and does, do what you want does earn huge without you, and will not take less to train you. I pay more than $100k per year for my continuing education and attended masterminds in this industry. You need to pay at least that just for the training, let alone any commissions.

But i also know that money is a problem for some and that stops them from scaling to where they wanna be.. :)

I think you have it ALL Wrong! You say you can manage the funding side but at the same time you also say, "As previously mentioned, i need you to show me solid results from recent times and this will be checked as we are serious about this and our goal is to make 30-50k$++ a month very soon. "

Now, HOW in the world, can you get someone with solid results IF they're having "money problems"? It CANNOT be done!

What @T J Tutor said is absolutely right If someone already has "recent solid results" WHY IN THE WORLD would they need YOU? What are YOU bringing to the table that they don't have?

Sorry if my words sound a bit rude but I think it's better to HONESTLY REQUEST for help, rather than coming up Offers that sound too good to be true!


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Hi @Danielsvensen1991
I think the point is most of us here who are earning have done a massive amount of research, we've tried and failed hundreds of times. I could take up your offer and run a profitable campaign with you, we could scale to the moon. The chances of you then walking away and doing it again on your own is zero. It just doesn't work that way. You really need to learn the ropes and that means starting small, making mistakes (lots of them), working out why, fixing things, and trying again.

If you are looking for a mentoring program, someone trusted, You should speak with @williamrs I can guarantee if you put in the hard work, he will set you up on your way.
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I have recently started my journey where my goal is to make a living out of promoting different CPA/CPL offers where my main traffic source is PUSH. Propellerads, Noviclick & Richads for a start. The main vertical im going with is Casino but im also interested in Dating.
serious about this and our goal is to make 30-50k$++ a month very soon.
Too funny to be taken seriously