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Need help regarding off page seo


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I am doing off page SEO and I know that the backlinks that index on google take some time some take days and other may take months. But my client says that he wants sites to be indexed in a week. Can someone explain me what can I do? Because free backlinks like profile making directories etc they take time and I do not have money to guest post. Also if I use google search console to index my link how long it will take?

This is dependent on the natural crawl rate of the site linking to your target.

As to the SEO value and authenticity of the backlinks --that is a horse of another color altogether
profile making directories

These are no longer effective. They are a thing of the past with no value today. Links need to be natural. Using link building 3rd parties can cause a degradation in rankings. part of the march 2024 Google update was targeting unnatural linking and AI generated content. This isn't the first time Google has targeted sites with these practices.

Because they've been abused as an SEO tactic over the years, Google tends to penalizes people that use web directories and use intentionally developed profiles for SEO on 3rd party platforms..
These are no longer effective. They are a thing of the past with no value today. Links need to be natural. Using link building 3rd parties can cause a degradation in rankings. part of the march 2024 Google update was targeting unnatural linking and AI generated content. This isn't the first time Google has targeted sites with these practices.

Because they've been abused as an SEO tactic over the years, Google tends to penalizes people that use web directories and use intentionally developed profiles for SEO on 3rd party platforms..
so how to build backlinks then? if not this way?
so how to build backlinks then? if not this way?

Backlinking is a skill of relationships. I have spent years building backlinks and backlink relationships. It is a long game, not a short game. Google, and the SERPS in general, have been telling everyone this for years, but so many in the marketing game seem to think they can use what some "marketing gurus" think of as SEO methods and tactics for backlinking. Backlinking is not a tactic, it is not a method, it is a skill based on relationships. The "gurus" will have you think you can use the the various services, softwares, and plugins for building backlinks fast and effectively. YOU CANNOT! All of the SERPS today penalize any site when their algorithms determine that a sites backlinks are not "home grown".

Additionally, this position taken by the SERPS isn't limited to backlinking. The SERPS algos are also looking for manufactured likes, followers, manufactured reviews, product/service ratings and such.

This isn't 1996 anymore. It isn't the "wild west" anymore. You cannot shoot from the hip and expect to hit a valuable target these days. This is a legitimate business now. Just look at the advancements and sophistication of everything now compared to 30 years ago. The growth, the science, the technologies, all of it has matured and become more controlled and definitely more regulated. We all need to keep up with the "bleeding edge" of the industry or be left behind.

There are agencies that specialize in properly building backlinks, but there are some that are pure garbage agencies because they don't do it correctly. Many of the big brands have people solely devoted to building and managing backlinks. Most of us won't be using a good backlink agency due to there high fees or paying anyone full time to do tis for us. Therefore, we need to do them our selves. I myself learned everything I could about the value of backlinks, the use of backlinks, the relationship building for backlinks, etc., etc. Once you learn it, you only need to stay current with the skill. Once you have the skill, you can, as I have, hire a freelancer to do this. I found a good freelancer some years ago and gave her the skills I had acquired. She works about 10 to 12 hours a month for me. All she does is research for good backlink exchange prospects, build relationships with them, get agreements for backlink placements. Sometimes they are pure backlink exchanges, sometimes they are for backlink article exchanges, sometimes just a one way link to others, sometimes just a one way backlink to one of my sites. It's a skill any serious content marketer needs to learn and implement.
Backlinking is a skill of relationships. I have spent years building backlinks and backlink relationships. It is a long game, not a short game. Google, and the SERPS in general, have been telling everyone this for years, but so many in the marketing game seem to think they can use what some "marketing gurus" think of as SEO methods and tactics for backlinking. Backlinking is not a tactic, it is not a method, it is a skill based on relationships. The "gurus" will have you think you can use the the various services, softwares, and plugins for building backlinks fast and effectively. YOU CANNOT! All of the SERPS today penalize any site when their algorithms determine that a sites backlinks are not "home grown".

Additionally, this position taken by the SERPS isn't limited to backlinking. The SERPS algos are also looking for manufactured likes, followers, manufactured reviews, product/service ratings and such.

This isn't 1996 anymore. It isn't the "wild west" anymore. You cannot shoot from the hip and expect to hit a valuable target these days. This is a legitimate business now. Just look at the advancements and sophistication of everything now compared to 30 years ago. The growth, the science, the technologies, all of it has matured and become more controlled and definitely more regulated. We all need to keep up with the "bleeding edge" of the industry or be left behind.

There are agencies that specialize in properly building backlinks, but there are some that are pure garbage agencies because they don't do it correctly. Many of the big brands have people solely devoted to building and managing backlinks. Most of us won't be using a good backlink agency due to there high fees or paying anyone full time to do tis for us. Therefore, we need to do them our selves. I myself learned everything I could about the value of backlinks, the use of backlinks, the relationship building for backlinks, etc., etc. Once you learn it, you only need to stay current with the skill. Once you have the skill, you can, as I have, hire a freelancer to do this. I found a good freelancer some years ago and gave her the skills I had acquired. She works about 10 to 12 hours a month for me. All she does is research for good backlink exchange prospects, build relationships with them, get agreements for backlink placements. Sometimes they are pure backlink exchanges, sometimes they are for backlink article exchanges, sometimes just a one way link to others, sometimes just a one way backlink to one of my sites. It's a skill any serious content marketer needs to learn and implement.
Thankyou Sir much appreciated! Can we build a relation in terms of backlink building?
but some do not get crawled for months then what?
Then they are most likely a crappy site for links in the first place.

See what T J says above ^^ backlink *voodoo* is useless today
Backlinks that produce traffic, better traffic that will convert, is what is valuable.
and how do u suggest I do that?
90% of websites are using Google-Analytics? Maybe less, that means they are probably getting crawled and indexed but I know of no way to know the crawling frequency. The crawling frequency most likely depends on the time-frame of content changes and added new content in the crawl.

you would need to follow the changes for the domain if it is on this list. By no means is this list all inclusive.
________________________ I just updated now

You would have to archive it

How regularly is your data updated?

We regularly update both of our indexes. However, due to the massive scale of the Historic Index it takes several days of constant processing to generate it. At the time of writing, we are able to update our Historic Index once every month, and aim to update the Fresh Index daily.
I occasionally update it is not important to my scheme of things now.

@top1MM$ ls -lht majestic_million*.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 barry barry 77M May 30 10:35 majestic_million2024-05-30.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 barry barry 77M Feb  8 08:17 majestic_million20240208.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 barry barry 78M Jul 28  2023 majestic_million-2023-07-28.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 barry barry 78M Sep  3  2022 majestic_million.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 barry barry 78M Aug  5  2022 majestic_million-2022-058-05.csv
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Can we build a relation in terms of backlink building?

You need to build relationships with site owners and operators all over the world that are in the niches of your sites.

One of my sites is dedicated to a high end watch brand. I am among several private affiliates for the brand. We actually have an obligation to build backlink relationships in our affiliate agreement. We prospect for new linking agreements weekly. We search the web for sites that are a good relationship match for our brand. We then attempt to reach the person, or persons, that are the decision makers for the relationship. Once we make that contact we discuss the various ways a relationship can be shaped.

In order for link exchanges to work, they must meet specific requirements. Similar domain authority, similar (or accommodating) niche associations, similar reach, etc., etc.

This is not a difficult or extremely time consuming endeavor. It is simply a necessity in our business for which you must develop the skills and then teach them to a independent contractor someday.

One thing more that is an absolute must is your site(s) must be professional grade. AN ABSOLUTE MUST!

None of this is of great necessity for traditional landing pages used for pushing offers.

This is all about content sites.

Get it going, we'll continue to guide you along the way.
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Well, while you’re waiting for those backlinks to do their thing, I’d focus on your site itself. One thing that’s worked for me is cleaning up how my pages are connected. Adding an internal link between related pages made a huge difference. It helped visitors find stuff easier and seemed to make Google pay more attention to the important parts of my site.
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Seems like a client that may have unrealistic expectations like you have a backdoor into Google's indexing. Can submit indexing for your own site and internal linked pages but off page is not really in your control, especially if not high DA sites that Google loves and will just index immediately.