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Need honest opinions



My first site and I'm curious how others perceive it.

I know it's not optimized, prolly not the most Search Engine friendly and currently the forums seem to have a problem with any browser other than IE, but I'm still interested how it's perceived by my peers.

Don't worry about being honest, it gives me something to build from.

Thanks for taking the time to look over the site,


You did not provide a url, could you confirm you are talking about this site:
I beleieve that he does mean his lifesupports site. Ihave to say that the site does look nice, but I have seen that nuke layout before on some halflife sites.
I think you are righ crowebird, I think we need to support him by registering and posting something
Ya the link is

Sorry bout that.

Yes the template is by VPixel but it's been edited. I don't believe there's another one exaclty like it and certainly won't be once I'm finished with it.

Anyway, I wanted a clean, professional looking web template and VPixel had the best one.
Duke, bud, your site loads at 30 seconds for a 56k'er. :bait:

You've got one image, "wgnandsin.gif", which is 30K bytes, and it's an, "affiliate" 120x60. Nix it and all or most of the banner farm at the bottom of the page. Turn the banners into links, IMHO.

Also, I had to scroll from left to right to see the entire page. IMHO, center the page in any resolution. Mine is 800x600.

As for content, it rocks. :rock:

Navagation, it rocks. :rock:

Overall design, it rocks. :rock:

Your obvious personal devotion to the site, it rocks. :rock:

Thanks for sharing your site. :clap:

Good suggestions Paul, Ken the load time is really very important, its actually one of the factors search engines use to rate your site.

Get rid of unnecessary images
Thanks for taking the time to review my site guys, appreciate it.

I'll cut back on the gifs and rez down the larger sized ones. I left the resolution at 840 as the page didn't size neatly at 800 for some reason and I was lazying out. I also felt that no one uses low rez or dial up anymore (online gamer mentality).

I'll go back and fix these errors.

Thanks again :!:

the load time is really very important, its actually one of the factors search engines use to rate your site.

So that's why people hate my site :D j/k :)
Nice site Duke.. too bad it's a templat so your contribution to the design part is pretty close to 0 (even with the modifications you made)
Keep up the good work, cheers
Don't be too critical of Duke, he is new to all this, I think its still an excellent effort even if he use template or skin made by another designer. I am going to use logo make by you to re-brand this site, I still think I deserve credit for getting a talented designer like you to do a nice logo for me when I couldn't do it myself.

It is very nice Duke, just figure out how to make it work in Firefox and you have me as a member for life.

(currently refuse to re-install IE)

i just think that Duke can improve the graphics of his site.. make it more original, even it that means altering the skin.. more :)