NEW: Forums and Arrangement.
Hey guys, just wanted to inform you of some changes and new forums as we push to make AffiliateFix an even better and more rounded resource for you all.
All of the above are designed to expand the branch of what we offer on the forums.
We want everyone in the industry to have a place to call home.
Let us know your thoughts and if you have any further suggestions or feedback please post them here.
Hey guys, just wanted to inform you of some changes and new forums as we push to make AffiliateFix an even better and more rounded resource for you all.
- NEW: Business and Infrastructure category: Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
- NEW: Business Management and Legal forum: Business Management and Legal
- NEW: Managing an Affiliate Program or Network forum: Managing an Affiliate Program or Network
All of the above are designed to expand the branch of what we offer on the forums.
We want everyone in the industry to have a place to call home.
Let us know your thoughts and if you have any further suggestions or feedback please post them here.