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New PR Update is a Joke


New Member
I heard about google's PR update yesterday and went to different forums to check people's reaction. Mostly were annoyed and thought it was a joke, especially someone pointed out a website that has only one backlink and only one page with gibberish written all over it and guess what it has a PR of 6. I mean seriously there is got to be something wrong somewhere, I wonder if there was any point to hard work anymore. Anyone else had the same experience?
That seems highly unlikely to me. What page was that? And what were they using to determione (a) PR and (b) number of backlinks?
well have a look for yourself "elsa30anniversary dot pl"( since i am not allowed to post a web address in my post) its just a silly one page website with PR6, i checked it using checkpagerank dot net
.. I've found it's meaningless (or a joke) if you aren't getting what you think you deserve or want. It's meaningful if you get equal to or more than you think you deserve. At least psychologically.. :p

There are anomalies.. I had a PR4 domain I did a 301 redirect with to a new domain. Same content; new domain.. Google decided to annoy the heck out of me and for the last 9 months it's shown PR0... this update finally resolved that and I'm back to a PR4.

I have domains that I have done almost no backlinking with that are out of the gate PR4s.. some I do a ton of backlinking with and I struggle to get a PR2 - but then the linking isn't as natural or quality.. that weighs in... and the type of site.
Does PR still count anymore? because I thought that Google don't give it much attention, and value.

When Google first launched, PageRank was the primary ranking factor. A few years ago, they described PageRank as "one of more than 100 factors". Today it's "one of more than 200 ranking factors".

Yes, it still has some importance but far less than it did a few years ago.

More importantly, do NOT confuse public PR or Toolbar PR with the real thing: These are merely exports of real PR in a graphical form that are released 2-4 times per year when Google feels like it. They are out of date when they are released, being based on PR values of a cutoff date some time in the past (typically 7-14 days) and by the time the next PR export arrives those values may be quite inaccurate.
this is strange! is there something wrong in Google algorithm? I don't think so
all my friends are satisfied from the new update, most of them were rewarded for all their efforts

for me, I had a website with PR 1, after the update it's 4!
I really worked hard on it
After the update, all my domains (except 1) are still PR 0. But it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm very pleased with my rankings. PR can't mean that much for SERP ranking or I'd be on like page 20. So unless I decide to start selling worries. :)
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In my case, my websites are all stable....which is better than dropping, although I was expecting a little boost after the update