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new scripts directory


New Member

Recently I've started a new Script Directory which is really fresh, and it's waiting for links to be approved! It's a clean directory, it's a very easy directory to navigate with! We've tried to make it as userfriendly as possible. Here's a few details about the directory, the directory is free to submit links and no reciprocal link is required, although a reciprocal link is highly appreciated!

- Directory, SEO Friendly

- Free Submissions, No Reciprocal Link Required

- Premium Listing

- Sponsored Listing

- paid listings for one year.

- Free to submit as many links as you want!

Feel free to submit your links today, have fun submitting!!

For any kind of further support, please feel free to ask me by making an reply, or using the "Private Message" function.
Do you want a category added or a sub category just pm me and i will do it asap.

Here is the link Scripts Directory - Collection of the best scripts on the Web

PS: Please only submit scripts and Related to the categories. hosting and tools

Happy Submitting,

Rep is appreciated
thanks temi.

that credit goes to meti, he helped me with that.

i just made the categories, pfffffffffff lot of
You and Meti seem to work very closely. I wish he will create and LBS template for me. (not expecting it to be free)
Temi, do you need the template for your personal Link Bid Script directory or for public use?

Lately LBS forum has been dead so I don't even know if you or anyone else would be interested in the highly modified LBS version that I've made but still did not finish skinning because of that exact reason...

Here are some of my custom features:

- Deep links from the details page
- Extended listing description on details page
- Custom title for the details page
- Custom descriptions and keywords for links details page
- Latest links page with rss feed
- Min bid and min bid increase control from the admin panel with validation
- social bookmarks for the listings from the details pages

Should I finish my project?
Skinner, its for public use. I think you should complete the modified LBS you are working on... it will be one of the shot in the arm LBS forum needs, we will announce your modified version and publicise it all over the net...

You certainly should complete it, I have been telling a few people to expect it. Could you set a release date we can work towards?