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newbie questions before starting my 1st campaign


New Member
Hey guys and gals
So Ive been searching, learning, followed different courses, youtube tutos and read some interesting stuff online. Now Im about to start my 1st compaign but still theres few things Id like to find answers for it as I couldnt find it elsewhere.

Im counting on using emailing as Im on a tigh budget and still didnt made a penny yet.

1/ Does the sender email and From name should be something legit, similar to my website domain name or I could use any without ofc infringing/using trademarks names/emails.

2/ Im aware of the landing/bridge page or redirect role, and I know that I better use one specially for the emaling marketing to avoid spam traps, either the offer owner is allowing direct linking or not. However all the tutos I checked used it to capture emails or opt in other details. Id like to check an example or a landing page that have the only purpose to drive traffic to the actual offer.

3/ Is it better to make a new landing page for each offer, like using a shared host everytime or I better put it all on a vps as a subdomain with a similar domain name for each niche ?

Thats all for now, cant wait to hear back from yall, any help is appreciated. Thanks for your time.
1. Usually depends on the offer. Some offers require you to use certain things.

2. I don't know what you're asking.

3. If you use a tracker, you can use the same landing pages for multiple similar offers. IE. Win an iPhone X. This can have many similar offers that share that page and your tracker can rotate the offers. Never use shared hosting if you're spending money on traffic. Use a VPS, or better S3 with cloudfront.
You can use on server and one domain for landing pages -- the server resources would depend on the volume peaks.

You need to decide on traffic tactics first;
  1. SEO - organic and building an email list --slow
  2. CPC --medium
  3. Bulk ad buying -- intense peaking traffic
If you are not using any dynamic elements like PHP (other) -- straight HTML and on page JavaScript S3 with cloudfront will work out and is the least expensive way to go.

You need a VPS if you have dynamic websites with scripting.

Shared hosting is like living in an apartment -- it all depends on the complex and the neighbors in your building. Shared hosting is cheap but only good for very low volume.
1. Usually depends on the offer. Some offers require you to use certain things.

2. I don't know what you're asking.

3. If you use a tracker, you can use the same landing pages for multiple similar offers. IE. Win an iPhone X. This can have many similar offers that share that page and your tracker can rotate the offers. Never use shared hosting if you're spending money on traffic. Use a VPS, or better S3 with cloudfront.

Thanks for passing and sharing your knowledge with us awesome, youre awesome !

for the 1st part, Im sticking to emailing allowed offers.
for the 2nd question, what I meant is this, most of the tutos Ive seen for landing pages were to capture information. I wont be that interested right now. So what I still didnt figure out is, how the landing page should look like or had to make the visitor go to the actual offer webpage, I mean its obvious that my landing page aint going to be similar to the offer webpage, wont that harm the conversion rate ?
You can use on server and one domain for landing pages -- the server resources would depend on the volume peaks.

You need to decide on traffic tactics first;
  1. SEO - organic and building an email list --slow
  2. CPC --medium
  3. Bulk ad buying -- intense peaking traffic
If you are not using any dynamic elements like PHP (other) -- straight HTML and on page JavaScript S3 with cloudfront will work out and is the least expensive way to go.

You need a VPS if you have dynamic websites with scripting.

Shared hosting is like living in an apartment -- it all depends on the complex and the neighbors in your building. Shared hosting is cheap but only good for very low volume.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us Graybeard, nice Graybeard

As Im starting out with emailing Im not sure about the traffic Ill be able to drive into, and Im aware of the shared hosting cons so I fear it crashes if somohow the driven traffic is good enough. TBH Im counting on using a ready mailists then starts building ones as youve mentioned it needs time.
You don't understand -- shared hosting shares server resources.
If your neighbor is running a foul, resource hogging script; the whole server is affected. Just like when too many other users in an apartment block take a shower at the same time -- there is not enough hot water to go around.

Alternatively, you may be capped on bandwidth so your website is unavailable for reason of high traffic bandwidth consumption.
Shared servers are the ghetto of the Internet.

Shared servers are for learning and low volume.

Use a mailing service -- ready made lists may not be CAN-SPAM compliant -- they probably are not EU GDPR legal. You probably won't get indicted but your server account might be closed for non-compliant email use (Spam). << then you are out of business. If you have issue with a email service you either fix them or move on (you still have your website).

email addresses that you collect yourself that are double opt-in are 100% safe -- you have proof of the subscriber opting-in <<< no question of that and easily asserted in your defense!

Youtube can be a very questionable source of information. When the video is not sponsored by a reputable company be skeptical.
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