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Maybe invest $50 to $100 in some good Kindle books on affiliate marketing.
Welcome to AffiliateFix!

I am newbie I want to start affiliate marketing where can find course or mentor to teach me

Well you are in this community of 137,000 members. Why would you want a course?

As for a mentor, why would a mentor choose to teach you? Mentors choose people with experience and are not teachers of newbies.

You need to read this thread: Everyone Has To Start Somewhere
We tried ...

Youtube may be free and not difficult;
--but when it comes to this business topic
--Youtube is full of hucksters
--know-nothing promoters that want to sell you their platform or simply see ad revenue from their videos.

Good luck finding the few videos that will be worthwhile.
Well information its everywhere ,you can find tons of videos on youtube ,google ,forums ,and almost everywhere
The important thing its your mindset ,how ambitious you are ,you need a bad desire to succed ,be consistent ,work hard and be willing to never give up
Some people get very excited when they read some guides where peoole teach on how they make 200 or 300 daily

But when they put it into action they see its very diferent from what they thought and they give up as they are not prepared to endure so maby failures ,starting again etc

A lot of peoole start diging after gold in the mountain but in the end only few find it ,those are the people who are very ambitious and they never know to give up

Also why do you think a mentor will lose precious time from his life to teach you affiliate marketing for free ? Not bad but i am logical