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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate



New Member
Hello everyone. I am very new to affiliate marketing and now trying to break into fashion. I love handbags and jewelry and would like to promote these type of sites. I would love any advice that anyone could give me. Also I read about building a review page. How do I set that up and is a review page easier then a website? Thanks in advance!
Hi futureaffiliate - welcome to 5 Star! It's great that you already have a subject in mind that you love and will enjoy building a site (or sites) about. Make sure that you work within a niche, that is, a small subsection of the overall topic of "handbags" or "jewelry," such as "natural stone jewelry" or "(brand) handbags." Even those could be broken down more. The more specific you get, the better your chances of ranking and making sales. Best not to try to be all things to all people. :)