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Newpaper ad was profitable; now maybe an affiliate program?


New Member
hey everyone,

first time here....brand new to all of this...

geez where do i start....

been in a business for over 10 years ( with little or no competion we can find)...have done quite well (not rich)...decided to show others how to do the business and maybe make a little money...started a website three months ago selling our "business in a box"...

ran an ad in a major newspaper (in biz opps) for one weekend (3 days) only 27 hits but sold 5 kits...

so obviously we are still running newspaper classified obviously this isn't targeted advertising but it still works....i guesss its that "if enough people see it theory...

thought this might be something a more targeted affiliate marketer might do ok at....your thoughts please....

each biz in a box sold for $1849.00....

anyway, want to see now if this would make a good affiliate program....want to pay $200 for tier 1 and $50 or $75 for tier 2...not sure yet..just really do not know where to start... thats why i am here...figured you would all know....

any comments or criticism would be deeply appreciated...


It may make a good affiliate product, but only if you can make usable products with the individual tiers. Nobody will have any desire to buy the second tier if they feel like the first tier wasn't worth their money. So if you can divide the "business in a box" into usable sections then it would probably do well, but its hard to say without knowing more about the product.
i probably should have been more clear....there is only one product .....and that is the business opportunity, supplies, safety equipment, step by step instructional dvd ...check out my sig nature....

the second tier is what an affiliate would make if an affiliate he or she signed up made a sale....