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No signatures showing when you are logged in



Just wondering why no signatures are showing up when you are logged in.
It would be nice for webmasters here to see each other signatures. Perhaps, we might be interested in a service that is advertised in someone's sig.
I can actually see your signature, I have had this complaint before I am yet to figure out why people cannot see their own signatures, but I think you can see your siganture after hit a certain amount of posts.
I can see both signatures in this thread

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I see them all too, although I also can see the no follow attribute too. Maybe for some reason your browser isn't displaying the no follow links? It's a stretch, but maybe. Under the last post of the page, can you see these two links?

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If they are there, they will appear about mid screen to the right of the Post Reply button.
Go to usercp

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and tick the box "show signatures"
This is excellent Midlandi, I better make notes of the instructions above in case I come across this question again.