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Not so motivated...


New Member
I'm not so motivated anymore. It just seems, that to really make a decent amount your going to have to spend a good amount on advertising and getting a web page up and running. I dont know how to make a website, and I can't afford a program to do it for me. I'm not even sure what niche to go for. Automotive just really isn't a great one, so much competition out there. I like world of warcraft, but again lots of competition. I dont want to start something I have no interest in. I have one other subject that might work, I just need to get a website up and running, and I have no clue on how to get that, I know how to buy a domain, I just need to actually create a webpage so that I can add it to my domain and get hosting for it. All of this is new to me. Any help?
waller38, forget about making money even though that is what you would like to do. Consentrate on having the best possible site that you can and the money will take care of itself.

You need to remember that this is something that requires time and work and that you aren't likely to quickly start making a huge amount of money.

From reading your posts I have the impression that you want a site to be automotive related. Yes, there is a lot of competition. But things get better if you narrow it down some.

You might have an interest in a particular make of car, type of automobile, cars from a certain year or make of car for a particular year or from a particular era, ways to improve performance, automotive safety, a particular racing series or certain type of automobile racing. I could go on and on. Just narrow it down a bit to something you like or know a lot about that is associated with automobiles.

It is possible to make very good money without spending a penny on advertising. There are many people who don't spend money on advertising and do very well. You can learn how right here.

You can also learn how to make a website. There are many good places to do that. Here are a few that will help you:

HTML Tutorial
HTML Goodies
Learn HTML and CSS - Use our free tutorials - Build your own website |

There are numerous free programs you can use for making your site. You will find some of the better free ones in this thread. A few that aren't free are also included http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...-universe/3615-your-favorite-html-editor.html

You mentioned you know how to buy a domain name. Just remember that you don't need to deal with a registrar that charges a lot. This thread can help you http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...rite-registrar-do-you-use-high-price-one.html

This thread will tell you about some of the favorite hosting companies of some 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums members http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...ers-universe/6824-your-favorite-web-host.html

There have been many members who have joined while completely new to all of this and have gone on to do very well. It can happen to you. All it takes is time to learn some things that will be helpful, put what you learn into action and ask questions whenever you have any.
Wow, thats a great deal of great information! I will definitely look into all those posts you just put in there. Thanks for that! I love this place already, very very helpful!
Hey, Don't lose heart
First why don't you find ways of promoting your campaigns without spending any money

First get a free html editor eg nvu to build your websites with

Second research a niche that is not too competitive. World of warcraft is very competitive but if WOW is something you are particularly intersted in, then maybe it is the niche for you

Third, learn search engine optimization. There is a lot of free information online on SEO so make use of them

Finally use SEO. forum participation, blogs, article marketing and social bookmarking to promote your site. All FREE

And chin up

I had periods of low ebb but I just worked through them.

And then the traffic came and the money followed

Good luck and hang in there
waller the guys gave you some great advice. I'll add my 2 cents.

You can focus on one of your topics, just do a SUBniche of the main niche.
So if what you are interested in is "muscle cars" then do research on that key phrase, but go down the list to find something more specific like "classic muscle cars" or "old muscle cars" or "production muscle cars"
"production muscle cars" - Google Search
(only 402 competing pages). I don't know what they are but a few people search for the phrase and it's not too competitive. NOT SAYING AT ALL to go for that niche at all, I have no idea, just giving example. WOW don't know if there are any sub niches.

To just build your 1st site (AFTER you've done plenty of research and think you have a good niche) you could just start with a blogger blog. IDEALLY you want to move it to your own domain BUT I'd rather have you start a free blogger blog than give up altogether before you even start.

Starting with blogger is easy, will give you a chance to see what it's like to start generating content and trying to generate traffic. More than anything it will give you a sense of accomplishment. It will give you enough of a taste to see if this is something you really want and enjoy doing. If so, then get your own domain, and point your blogger blog to your site and start building it out.

I get the feeling that right now you are just OVERWHELMED and STUCK! (that's normal).

It think just taking 3 easy steps will help light a fire under you because I feel pretty strongly
there's a fire in you just waiting to be lit!

1) Careful niche research - picking the right one is key (but don't think to the point of analysis paralysis)

2) Start blogger blog with a good keyword name

3) Start writing good keyword titled articles

All the while keep learning more about KW research, writing and marketing.

(NOTE to others reading this, I don't always feel this is the BEST way to start and am not suggesting it is. I just feel in this situation with waller38 who seems to have the right stuff, but is stuck and discouraged before he even begins, it's a faster, easier solution than having him just give up.)

You've recieved a bunch of good advice here, but I really feel, based on where you're at in terms of skill set, perhaps Linda has given you the best advice. A blog is an easy first step. Blogger is a good free alternative, but so is WordPress, IF you already have your domain purchased. Might be a good idea to start with a properly names domain and install WordPress on it. Seems to be easier to get traffic with good content posting on a blog. Search engines love CONTENT and that's what the very nature of a blog is.

Goog Luck,

Bob Kimball

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