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Notifadz by Adrenalead

Official Notifadz by Adrenalead


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Notifadz by Adrenalead
Notifadz by Adrenalead is a great alternative for website publishers.

We are the first advertising platform of Web Push Notifications that gives great opportunities to the publishers to monetize their website/ blog in programmatic advertising and preserve the quality of the content.

Let's discover Web Push Notifications!

For the start, it is important to note that unlike other advertisements that you display on your website, our web push notifications are broadcasted directly on the device of the internet user. It means that the ad campaigns have no association with your website. The user doesn’t need to browse the website to see the ad campaigns; he just needs an internet connection, and voilà, he receives the ads on his device. This ad format works without third party cookies.

The most important features
  • Programmatic advertising! Among other push notifications ad networks Notifadz by Adrenalead is the only web push ad network to be connected to programmatic advertising platforms such as Criteo, Taboola, Quantum, etc. Working with them is based on an automated buying model and on a real time bidding.

  • The quality of ad campaigns! We cooperate with first class advertisers providing the users high- quality ad campaigns of the following niches: travelling, cars, mode, education…

  • Sending personalized messages to your readers! You can benefit from our own Web Push Notification SaaS Platform and send your own notifications (articles/ news of your website) to your subscribers for free. This will help you to recurrent traffic, legitimate the advertising and increase your revenue.

  • AdBlocks Free! One of the most important points that we offer you is that ad blockers do not interfere with the subscription request or the receipt of notifications. You can therefore reach 100% of your audience!

  • Easy programmatic integration! Get started in less than 10 minutes. All you have to do is to integrate a subscriber collection script on your site. This script allows you to customize the opt-in request to reach 15% of subscribers on average.

  • RevShare model starting from 50%! Your commissions are <50% of the turnover generated by your subscribers.

  • 100% GDPR-Ready Ad format! It collects the prior and explicit consent of the internet user.

Additional information about us
  • More than 200 partners

  • Over 1 billion Web Push Notifications sent per month

  • Access to the top 500 Advertisers on the market

  • Monetization of partners' audience in more than 30 countries around the world.

Adrenalead fully understands that being a webmaster means dealing with a number of difficulties while monetizing your website that’s why we developed Notifadz platform and provide you with ultra-precise tools to pilot and adjust your Web Push Notifications campaigns, in real time, to make them a real new growth lever for your online business.

Sign and start driving additional revenues !
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Adrenalead Revolutionizes Online Advertising With Its Audience Extension Offer with Web Push Notification For E-Commerce And Retail

Adrenalead- Customer Activation Marketing Platform by Web Push Notification launches its audience remarketing solution allowing brands to target and convert up to 3 times more Internet users who have visited their site, even those who have activated an advertising blocker.

Adrenalead offers brands both SaaS software for collecting and sending web push notifications and a range of audience building solutions. A real (r)evolution in the web push notification sector, allowing e-merchants and DNVB (Digital Native Vertical Brands) to activate an alternative to display remarketing to retarget visitors who have left their site without leaving contact.

This innovation allows brands to reduce their dependence on advertising tools on the market, increase over 200% their reach online and to have full control of their marketing pressure.
Dear publishers!
You can easily estimate your income using the calculator on our platform.

Here is an example of an income estimate for one of our partners:
Dear publishers, webmasters!
There are interesting offers for you.
Come to take your dose of Adrenalead :cool:
Combine a web push technology and our audience extension offers!

Use our SaaS platform for free to get back in control of your audience by building up a base of Web Push Notifications subscribers accessible 24/7.

Activate our audience extension solutions to re-target visitors to your site that you do not have yet in your subscriber base.
Adrenalead Solutions


1. Retargeting by Web Push Notification
Turn 15% of your visitors into qualified leads.
  • Re-target your audience in real time when they are online but not on your website!
  • Engage your visitors by making them come back to your site at the most convenient time for purchase.
  • Build loyalty with your audience by sending them personalized content via Web Push Notification (news, special offers, etc.)
The advantages of our solution
  • Subscription formats 15X more efficient than other softwares on the market
  • A subordination tag to avoid paying for display or email retargeting of your already subscribed visitors


2. Audience Remarketing (Exclusive)

Increase your e-Commerce sales by retargeting your unsubscribed visitors!
  • Notify visitors of your site that you don't know.
  • Customize your audeince based on their journey on site
  • Make 3X more qualified audience and boost your sales


OPTION: Remarketing List

  • We already know the visitors of your site thanks to our subscribers network
  • Access the audience of your unsubscribed visitors and schedule marketing campaigns from your Notifadz account.


3. Customer Conquest (Exclusive)

Broadcast your marketing campaigns on our advertising network of web push subscribers.
  • Introduce your brand to a new audience
  • Create new opportunities to boost your online business
  • Enjoy fraud-free and Adblock-free audience
OPTION: ClickList
Access the list of clickers to activate new web push notification campaigns from your Notifadz account.

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Adrenalead launches the monthly E-Commerce Barometer by Web Push Notifications
"March 2021 Edition"

Discover the results of our partner brands' web push notification remarketing campaigns. We compared the performance of remarketing by web push notification with that of Google Ads Search and Display campaigns. March is the month of spring, of beautiful days and of new collections. For some e-commerce verticals, it is therefore a very important month! More and more companies have decided to use Web Push Notification to communicate with their audience. This acquisition lever offers brands the opportunity to communicate anytime - anywhere - any device; allowing them to reach their targets at the right place and at the right time!
The performance of advertising campaigns differs depending on the sector of activity. We have chosen to compare retargeting campaigns by web push notifications with one of the most used levers by e-retailers, namely SEM campaigns.
Installation of Notifadz by Adrenalead Plugin on Wordpress
This extension allows website, blog and media publishers to generate a new source of income without adding an additional place to their website.
How to install our plugin on wordpress:
1. Add the plugin from Wordpress store

2. Search for «Notifadz», then install and activate the plugin


3. Select Notifadz Push in the Wordpress menu and put the login token*


Need help ? Contact our commercial team !

*to receive your login token, contact the commercial service.
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Advertising in a cookieless world​

Being closer to your audience... This is what should motivate publishers and advertisers today. At a time when behavioral targeting is going to disappear, how can you really reach people who know your products and have already visited your site?
Email marketing is at the heart of the digital strategy of most e-commerce companies.
Web Push Notification works in a similar way to email, as each notification sent will reach a targeted audience.
But there are many differences between email marketing and Web Push Notifications that should be taken into consideration:

Thus, this cookie-less communication format becomes a real lever of customer activation for all advertisers who wish to capitalize on their audience and regain control over their retargeting campaigns.

More effective in every way than email notification is becoming a must for all advertisers who want to continue retargeting their site visitors in the cookieless era with a format that complements email marketing.
Dear media, publishers, webmasters !
Discover the results of our French partner brands' web push notification remarketing campaigns for April.

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Adrenalead- the Web Push Notifications customer activation marketing platform for e-Commerce and Retail - launches the 1st monthly barometer of conversions per sector of activity achieved thanks to Web Push Notifications.
[#FridayTip] Every Friday, discover a new tip on the topic of #Web #Push #Notification by Adrenalead

Web #Push #Notifications offer a high conversion rate!
Focus on the best automated scenarios to implement in your #webmarketing strategy thanks to web push notifications to boost your #e-Commerce conversions.

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Dear webmasters!
Come to create your advertising campaign in less than 10 minutes!
Take advantage of the intuitive interfaces of our platform to facilitate the implementation of your marketing scenarios and monitor your performance in real time.

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