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novocaine graphic solutions



What can i say about this site.. first of all.. i don't really know what i will do with it.. maybe it will be modified to be a porfolio site or maybe it wil be a personal / interactive site.. For the moment it's hosted on a free server (this sucks) and i can't use my php scripts to make it more interactive and easy to update.
Comments and sugestions please :D, i hope you like it :)
Personally, I love the layout! Im new to programming and starting school this fall but as a webmaster I must say I would trust you right off the bat. It is obvious you know what you are doing and that is good for instant credit. The only thing I would suggest is that you scrap the site statistics link on the home page. Its a new site and we all know that, but if someone drops in for the first time and sees your stats not knowing the site is new, they may think you are not very good at what you do if you only get 12 visits a day. Just a thought! Other than that I think it's great.

novocaine said:
For the moment it's hosted on a free server (this sucks) and i can't use my php scripts to make it more interactive and easy to update.

You know I have plenty of free space on but the hosting is only paid for one year. After that, we may downgrade to less space. It's an alternative to your current free hosting package, 'specially because we have 3 more "parking spots" for domain names.
Another alternative is but I don't know for how long it's gonna be free.
Greate site, greate images, great man...anyway novocaine I encouragwe you to continue to post and discuss with us, you can win domain names and high quality hosting package, did you see the topic WIN, WIN WIN ?


thanks, i;m glad you like it
about the statistics.. i think i have an option in my cqcounter control panel to make them secret. or something like that.. but i don't mind.. 12 hits / day is pretty good.. for that domain :)
@FiveseveN: i want something i can control fully.. i want de develop my website and make it more interactive.. i found a solution about the hosting, the only thing i need now is a .com / net domain
@Ovi: of course.. winning a domain name would be perfect for me.. hehe.. :)
Speak with your friends from other forums to join the forum and to be active members. This will definetly be very pleasant for the Big Boss :)

@Ovi i'll do that if it pleases the Big Boss :) please if you have something you don't like about the site.. tell me.. i am looking forward to critics :)

Sorry, but I don't think your going to find complaints. Its nice, very nice. :wink:

thanks again.
in a few weeks I'll do a redesign for this site, I have a few good ideeas and can't wait to make the reality :D

Just switched to the new host Thank God for people like Temi and the guys from We managed to make the switch in less than 2 days :). Now i will start to optimize / improve the site because i finally got php support and space :)

backpackearth: i am ready whenever you are. Maybe i could put a small banner to your site on mine or smth like that.. what do you think :)