Hello AffiliateFix members,
My name is Idan and I'm with EZmob.com, a self-serve advertising network for media buyers and affiliate markets. EZmob was founded in 2013 and since then has been focused on getting well-converting traffic to our advertising clients. Our managers have seen thousands of successful campaigns and are able to help you to reach your KPI goals at a reasonable cost at your own pace.
We provide our advertisers with scale, reliability, and transparency. We understand your goals and we act on them. If you're looking for veteran account managers who can give you the guidance to make sure your campaigns are set up correctly and are prone to get you conversions on day 1, get in touch today.
Some of our popular features:
- direct inventory from our publisher base
- Pop, Push (In-Page, Android, and Calendar iOS), Native, and Banner ads ad format support.
- min. bid for Pop is only $0.20 CPM or $0.005 for push traffic
- Advanced targeting, in-depth reporting, and real-time stats
- S2S conversion tracking.
- min. deposit is $50.
- Real-time support via chat, email, and ticket center.
- Instant moderation of campaigns and creatives.
- Worldwide coverage
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