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Offline Affiliate Program - No Site Needed - DentalPlans

Linda Buquet

New Member
I'm often asked if there are any good OFFLINE affiliate programs. Here at the forum we get many brand new n00bs that ask if they need a site to do affiliate marketing or who are afraid because the don't know how to build a site, yet have good marketing skills. So for people like that offline affiliate programs are an option.

Many traditional retail programs just would not work very well offline, but one that works very well offline is DentalPlans. DentalPlans knows how to think outside the box and give affiliates what they want! After having many requests for a pure play offline program, they just launched one.

This is strictly for people who want to be able to work from home, but who don't want to build sites and market online. This new separate program called the "<a target="_new" href="">At Home Affiliate Program</a>" has a separate log-in and back end that streamlines everything and bypasses all the confusing stuff that non-techy people who simply want to do offline marketing don't need. K.I.S.S for non-affiliates!

All the tracking is coupon code based and offline marketers get a coupon for 10% off to help them close sales with their unique tracking code. Affiliates can buy hard copy sales materials at cost and there are weekly training webinars. Here's more info from the site.
<blockquote><strong><a target="_new" href="">DentalPlans At Home Affiliate Program Benefits</a></strong>

* Joining is FREE
* $40 Payout on Every Plan Sold
* Free Starter Kit, including:
o 3 FREE Brochures
o Dedicated Coupon Code with 10% discount on any plan
* Sales Support and Customer Service, including:
o Sales Training Webinars
o Affiliate Sales Support
o Customer Service Support
o <a target="_new" href="">Print portal</a> for purchasing direct mail pieces, brochures, business cards, and other proven marketing materials"

So if you know have any friends that are n00bs or technophobes that want to have a home-based affiliate business, but don't what to learn to do it online, this is a good option to tell them about.