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Outsourced link building


New Member
I am always getting all this fancy offer of people building me high quality back links, I always ignore them, I must have been high or despearate last week when I actually responded to one of them and ask them to build 10 PR3 link for me.

I got the PR 3 alrigh but out of the 10 links only one was placed on a site that is remotely related to my site and has less than 100 links on the page. The remaining nine links were placed on pages with average links of about 120 out going links.
I still think banner advertising on the high traffic directly related sites is the best way (if you can afford it)
There is not one way to promote a site, its a mixture of many things,you build back links of you are trying to raise your serps and use banner or AdWord is you are targeting immediate direct conversion.

On the occasion when I use the outsource link builders, I am trying to increase back link so banner ad is not a good substitute.
There are some good link building companies out there, it just takes a while to find them. I would say though that many people have stopped large scale drectory submissions,personally I think this is a mistake. I use a wide combination of backlinking methods, and directory submission is one of them. One of the reasons I shotgun directories is that it makes life a LOT harder for the competition who are trying to find out which backlinks I have that are working for me ;)
Ahh, that is an excellent way to obfuscate your prime links, I mean directory submission. But you would agree that links from directories has been significantly weakened or now?
yes directory submissions have been significanly weakened, but AGAIN. directory owners need to think outside of the box. Just as I pioneered the Deep Link Directory with | Deep Link Directory (number one rated deep link directory) blatant plug LOL deep link directory - Google Search We are trialling a new form of directory hybrid that is getting great results. I would have been launching it early 2008, but I am retiring from SEO :( I might launch it and run it as a hobby though.
OWG internet is like a drug. For you, since working in this domain for such a long time, SEO has also become a drug. Honestly I dont think you can give up so easily at what you are doing now... ( yet again its just my opinion )
He cannot get out of helping me with my SEO training in London once I get it up and running next year :)
In life anything that is good or nice its illegal, immoral or it makes you fat :)

The drug called internet is okay for me as long as I know I can do other stuff also.

What challenges are you talking about ? at least can you share some future plans ?
In life anything that is good or nice its illegal, immoral or it makes you fat :)

The drug called internet is okay for me as long as I know I can do other stuff also.

What challenges are you talking about ? at least can you share some future plans ?

(tomorrow I wil respond in detail! ) :)