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Since quite a few people are spamming this thread, I do not want to be left out so here we go:

PHP Link Bid Script powered bidding directories are growing in leaps and bounds even before our official launch.
If you are considering starting a bidding directory, you definately want to consider using Link Bid Script. Its one of the best bidding directory script and to make it even more tempting to install it, we offer a sweetener of $10. (send me PM for details)

There is and estimated over 50 site powered by Link bid script, find a list of the one we know about below, over 20 of them. Most of them are offering incentive to get you business. You are encouraged to visit them to take advantage of the offers.

* A Pound A Link
* All SykTV Link Bid
* Ad Bid Click
* Bid and Link
* Bid for Level
* Click 4 links
* Definiteweb Bid for Position
* Dmoz Link Directory
* Erin Bar
* Haabaa Tags
* iGeneric Link Bid
* Ozami Bidding Directory
* Ozami Keywords
* Pimp My Rank
* PM Bada
* Rice SRX
* Link Bidding EU
* Link Bid UK
* Link Gutter
* Link sLinky Bidding Dir
* Perkantas Bid Directory
* X-8 Link Bidder

I will like to draw your attention to the LBS/Hosting package offerred by Midland internet, you can find details here