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Overwhelmed with all this information


New Member
I've been reading at every opportunity and I'm finding myself overwhelmed with all this information.Whats most confusing at this point is some of the terminology, abbreviations and acronyms used.Is there maybe a glossary of terms somewhere on these forums that I can refer to?Also,I'm still very new to computers and the internet as well,so I'm also trying to learn the ropes there as well.As they say, "success is only met through perseverance".Thanks.

Hello! Don't'll slowly learn things that you wanted to learn as yu g through it..just be open and learn to communicate well to others..Good Luck!
Here you go! A variety of definitions and glossaries.

<a href="">Affiliate Marketing Definitions - What is Affiliate Marketing</a>
I think most of us can admit to being overwhelmed with info when we first started. And one of the biggest obstacles is information overload.

Use the link provided by Linda, that's really useful

I think the trick is to focus on one thing at a time. So it it is SEO [search engine optimization] you are interested in, then focus on this and learn it thoruoughly, implement what you have learned before moving on to something else

There is so much to learn in this business and I have been in for about 2 years now and I am still learning.

Just one step at a time and you'll be fine

Good luck
My advice is just to get started, don't over analyze because you'll suffer from analysis paralysis :eek:

The first thing you need to do is of course find something to build a website for, what service/product will you be promoting.

Forget about Ringtones or other competitive type of niches, find something less competitive.

That means that the keywords you'll be targeting aren't as widely targeted by other marketers as well.
You can find many glossary on the web.

Just put "affiliate glossary" on google and you will find a lot of information. :)
I believe Niche is right about the information overload.That coupled with my weak short term memory makes for an overwhelming experience.Its hard to read and focus on a specific topic when you get sidetracked by links that keep branching off within a topic.I'm also struggling with a niche and keywords.All the keywords associated with my chosen niches return numbers in the millions!Also,I'm still trying to learn the art of building a website,I only recently learned how to use e-mail.A link to a tutorial or walk through of the process would be great if anyone knows of anything.
Thanks everyone for your support and comments and I appreciate any and all tips or advice.

Frank - if you get millions of results returned it doesn't necessarily mean you're niche keywords are highly competitive.

Do this for your keywords to find out if your keywords/niche is something that's right for you.

Say you're looking into a certain niche, a specific keyword phrase you have found that returns some search volume, lucky for you Google started displaying search volume numbers.

Bookmark that site, you'll be using it alot.

Your keyword phrase you've found shows potential, you have a feeling that it will bring visitors to your site that will convert to the action they need to make to make you money on commission.

Good! - now this is what you would do to find out if you have a chance of competing for this phrase, remember, tertiary keywords thus phrases consisting of three keywords and of course also phrases with more then 3 keywords are usually less competitive.

Do a Google search like this:

intitle:"your keyword phrase goes inside the quotes"

Bang! - suddenly those millions of results have dropped significantly.
If not...the phrase itself is pretty competitive and aimed for by many people.

Why? - because when you want your page to rank for that specific keyword you'll include it into your page title.

That search just returned how many people use that phrase inside their page titles.

Second search: inanchor:"your keyword phrase goes inside the quotes"

This search will show you how many times the phrase is used in an anchor link.

You need backlinks to get into the search results, so if you see a X amount of inanchor results you have a good indication it will mean you have to either work you're *** off or perhaps if you're lucky nobody is using it in their anchor links.

Note: Vary your anchor links when you're placing backlinks on sites, don't use the same keyword phrase over and over, alternate between different combinations.

You'll pick up on this when you'll get more into the SEO subject matter.

View what type of results you see returned for your phrase but without quotes, just a regular search.
If you see mostly pages ranking that's a good sign.

So if you see the top 10 mostly consisting of and so on your chances are better to outrank them.

Sometimes you'll see only the main domain name and when it's a big known site you're up against stronger competition you would want to go up against in your situation.

Use the Firefox browser and install SEO Quake to analyze the top ten, you'll see various helpful indicators to determine what it takes to outrank that specific position in the results you're aiming for.

So in short:

1: Compile a list of keywords that you suspect of converting and have search volume.

2: Do a Google search, are you seeing pages or high authority domains in the results?

3: Do the special searches explained above.

Does the results of your findings indicate the phrase is not widely aimed for by other people?
Are you not trying to outrank a well known site? a domain with high PR and a massive amount of backlinks?

Then go for it and build your website, start working on your content and keep your on-page SEO in mind.

Learn more about SEO here to get you started, grab a cup of coffee and...absorb the info! :cool:

P.S. - Since you only recently learned how to use email, you're best approach is to use WordPress to set up a blog. Find a nice looking template or buy a premium template to have a suitable layout and look for your site (blog) that matches well with the service/product you're going to promote.

Since you're as green as grass with all of this i would suggest to get a feel of setting up your own blog and learn how to blog first, because if you can't do that then you also can't do the above. ;)

And Frank...use the search function on this forum which contains some great information, use Google...a lot of the questions you may up with are already been asked before, and don't pay for stupid ebooks.

If you land on a site that looks similar like this one, run away! :eek:

Wow,if you type anything like myself,that response would have taken you an hour and a half to write.Thanks for taking the time to reply and for the tips and links.I'm going to take a day or so to research all that you've shown me and I'll respond back. Once again......Thank You.

It did take a little longer then 5 minutes but not an hour and a half...i think? :D

Anyhow, i hope you it helps you on the right track.
Wow Edwin,

I would like to say thank you as well. Very informative post. This is the kind of stuff I love to read.

Frank, I too am new to all this. I am less then 2 months in and have been reading non-stop for the whole time. But I have to admit I am really enjoying this. It is extremely addictive.

I have some additional questions myself about SEO. But I will take that to a new post so as not to hijack this one.
Edwin certainly does bring some excellent information to this thread.I've been working very long hours lately and have earned some free time.I hope to spend as much time as possible in the next week and feed my brain some knowledge.
Feel free to ask about SEO Julie,as I may get answers to some questions about SEO that I also have.Thanks again everyone.

I know I'm just getting started and the more I learn, the more I learn that I don't know! :D

Okayl... I think the same of computers in general and I've been using them for years :D

I plan to just keep plodding away and slowly I will find what works and what doesn't -- at least I hope to