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Ozami Web Portal - Established Site - For Sale



Guest / .Net - Unique Male Targeted Portal / Web Directory

1. Your username? Jessica

2. URL(s) of site? / .net

3. Age of site? 19 Months

4. How does the site generate income? Web Directory Submissions / Forum Advertisments / Affiliates / Whatever else you can come up with.

5. Who develops content and administers the site? How much time does it require? The forums run themselves due to the popularity of them. Theres a current moderator team on the boards, you will have to decide to keep them or not. All other content is administratored via admin panels.

7. What is the monthly cost of running the site? £35 / $70 per 6 months.

8. Reason for selling? Lack of time to continue what was a small project that has grown.

9. Will you help with the transition of the site to the new owner? Yes!

10. Does the site have an ezine or newsletter? Mass mailing to all 4525+ forum members is available.

11. What all does the site include? Everything as shown on the site, plus the domain and the domains + Hosting.

You Can View More Information & Make Your Bids Here

I hope I have conformed to all rules in posting this ad - Feel free to PM me any questions.

Thanks All