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Pages Dropped from Google?


New Member
Hi, just wondering if anyone has ever experienced this before;

Around 3 months ago the site:url command in Google showed around 15,000 pages for our site, since then this figure has been gradually reducing and is now at around 3,000.

Traffic is also going down on a regular basis even though our PR has increased (so we can't have been penalised).

We have used the Google webmaster tool to analyse the crawl stats and the results follow;

Errors for URLs in Sitemaps: 0
HTTP errors: 0
URLs not followed: 0
URLs restricted by robots.txt: 0
URLs timed out: 0
Unreachable URLs: 0

As you can see there are no implications with the crawl process, so why is this happening? Does Google not show ALL pages iondexed on a site?

Many thanks in advance, this really has got us stumped.
>> Around 3 months ago the site:url command in Google showed around 15,000 pages for our site, since then this figure has been gradually reducing and is now at around 3,000

temi> Google may have deemed some of your pages to be duplicates or not worth being listed any more.

>> Traffic is also going down on a regular basis even though our PR has increased (so we can't have been penalised).
Temi> PR has nothing to do with the number of pages indexed/crawled etc, they are two separate things

I will suggest you review your pages for quality and possible duplication, those are some of the reasons the numbers of pages you have in Google is declining.
3000 pages of WHAT?

large sites like forums, shopping carts etc have seen a decline in pages. More worrying is the ecline in traffic though as that means that the pages that WERE indexed, were appearing in the SERP's.

1. have you made any changes on the site AT ALL? including adding scripts re-writing hosting changes etc

2. have you increased off page links

3. have tyou removed off page links

4. What does yahoo say about your link volumeover time

5. have you bought links