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Panda ? The Quality Bear of Search eats Affiliates



Panda ? The Quality Bear of Search eats Affiliates
State of Search
June 29, 2011

It has already been two weeks since the A4Uexpo in Munich, but I still want to cover the ?Panda-session?, because it was one of the best sessions at this conference. Ralf Schwoebel of the downloadportal Tradebit, one of the victims of Panda, started the session explaining what changes he did to get back on track. After that Dixon Jones, Marketing Manager of Majestic SEO, showed the results of some research Majestic SEO did.

Ralf is one of the victims of Panda. His open download marketplace Tradebit lost about 15% of it?s traffic since the Panda Update was rolled out. But he managed to increase his revenue by 20%! In this session he will explain how he succeeded.

Ralf states that the Panda update is about quality and it is machine readable. He points out the ?23 questions from Amit Singhal? to understand the thoughts behind the algorithm.

But according to Ralf SEO for Google is still based on machine calculations ? the whole show just got a bit more complicated. There are new factors that come into the game.
