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Official Peerfly Closing - Sad To See Them Go


T J Tutor

Certified Vendor
Dojo Master
Got a notice from Peerfly today, as follows:

Hello T J,

After nearly eleven wonderful years, PeerFly will be discontinuing normal operations on Wednesday, July 31st and will be closing the PeerFly Affiliate Network.

While this was a hard decision to make, we wanted to do it while we still had the opportunity to exit with the respect of our thousands of affiliates and clients.

Please pause traffic by midnight on July 31st. Any traffic sent after that time will not be paid for. Net30s will proceed like normal and everyone that has met the threshold by the 31st will be paid on the regular schedule.

PeerFly might be saying goodbye, but the team who successfully managed PeerFly over the years still has a lot to contribute to the online marketing world, so stay tuned for future announcements.

We outlined questions that you may have below so you don’t have to spend the time contacting support:

Why is PeerFly closing?

Affiliate marketing is alive and well. However, the particular model that PeerFly was built on no longer represents the most efficient or cost-effective method for generating new sales and leads for advertisers. Over the years, many advancements in online marketing have created new low barriers of entry for businesses who want to control their marketing internally. Platforms like Facebook have dominated the ability to precisely target an audience and have made it incredibly easy to scale. Combined with a great economy, where businesses are okay risking marketing dollars to find the right audience, the model of the “Affiliate Network” is one that doesn’t work nearly as well in 2019 as it did just 5 years earlier.

When do I need to pause my PeerFly links?

Please do so by midnight on July 31st. Any traffic sent after midnight on July 31st will not be paid for.

Will I still get paid out my current balance?

We’ve made over 50,000 individual payments to affiliates since PeerFly started and we’ll continue to do so until everyone who’s owed is paid. As long as you’ve met the required $50 threshold by Wednesday, July 31st, you will receive payment on the regular net30 schedule.

What’s next in store for the PeerFly team?

We’ll be sure to keep you updated at on our future internet marketing ventures. :D

Who should I contact if I have further questions?

Please direct all questions to and we’ll be there to assist you!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support over the last 11 years. You helped make PeerFly the best affiliate network in the world.
WOW! I'm surprised to read that! I thought Peerfly would be around pretty much forever.

I guess it's a reminder of how fast this business can change and evolve.

I imagine there are a lot of affiliates that are sad about this.
Over the years, many advancements in online marketing have created new low barriers of entry for businesses who want to control their marketing internally. Platforms like Facebook have dominated the ability to precisely target an audience and have made it incredibly easy to scale. Combined with a great economy, where businesses are okay risking marketing dollars to find the right audience, the model of the “Affiliate Network” is one that doesn’t work nearly as well in 2019 as it did just 5 years earlier.

So, the cost of Facebook marketing is less than the "affiliate network?" Google Ads and Bing are affiliate alternatives too when it comes to customer acquisition with up-front-risk. So, what to make of this?

Going out gracefully is always best -- in the end your reputation is best remembered always.
Had some good months with them back a few years ago, not much recently...

But I've sent a few emails to different people about what happens if your account is below $50 and none of those have been answered... I'm just short of 50 in my account and actually started sending traffic yesterday when this happened...

It clearly was not addressed in their email one way or another...

When 7search closed a few years ago they made good with everyone for what was left in their accounts no matter the amount...

I would assume after regular payments are sent out they would deal with the amounts below $50...

But they should say so if that is their intention and not leave people wondering...

So unless they clarify this issue and do the right thing I'm not going for this Pity Party...
johnnynight, I agree that this should not turn into a "pity party". I just wanted to recognize them because I did earn huge with them over the years and wanted to bring attention to the fact that the changes we all see everyday in the industry we are all experiencing can effect any business in this industry.
Sad but it shows how the business is changing. The fly by night stuff isnt going to work anymore that goes for affliates, networks, and buyers all around.

This has been a continuing shift. I have always said that the business we are in is ever evolving and we need to adapt in as professional manner as is possible for each of us.
johnnynight, I agree that this should not turn into a "pity party". I just wanted to recognize them because I did earn huge with them over the years and wanted to bring attention to the fact that the changes we all see everyday in the industry we are all experiencing can effect any business in this industry.

TJ... I understand what you're saying... but if they are going to walk away with any account below $50 that is way outrageous to me...

The fact they haven't specifically addressed this really simple issue has me thinking they are going to take the money and run...

Then I got a lot of bad things to say about them..
Wow... You didn't get yours back... Sorry to hear.. I can't remember what the whole process was.. If they contacted me or I contacted them...

Thanks. Occupational hazard.

They contacted me for my PP address, I responded. Nothing. Several months later, sent a message. Nothing.

I'm not the only one. But like I said, stuff like this can happen, you just have to shrug it off and keep going. Thankfully, it's rare.

I doubt PeerFly will miss people but I wondered about people with < $50 too.
TJ... I understand what you're saying... but if they are going to walk away with any account below $50 that is way outrageous to me...

The fact they haven't specifically addressed this really simple issue has me thinking they are going to take the money and run...

Then I got a lot of bad things to say about them..
I agree. I have $30-$40 on my account. Those are about 20-30 leads that the advertsiter paid them for and I spent money getting them. So it's really weird. I don't expect them to make $5 payments but I think if you have more than $25, you should get that money.
Had some good months with them back a few years ago, not much recently...

But I've sent a few emails to different people about what happens if your account is below $50 and none of those have been answered... I'm just short of 50 in my account and actually started sending traffic yesterday when this happened...

It clearly was not addressed in their email one way or another...

When 7search closed a few years ago they made good with everyone for what was left in their accounts no matter the amount...

I would assume after regular payments are sent out they would deal with the amounts below $50...

But they should say so if that is their intention and not leave people wondering...

So unless they clarify this issue and do the right thing I'm not going for this Pity Party...

As President Clinton would say "I Feel Your Pain". But honestly if its less than $50 is really worth the effort time and stress? That energy and could be used else where to make $100 dollars or more.
They scammed me for 198$ I reach this number since February and I withdraw it and still on processing when I contacted their support this is what they told me: "It looks like we're still finalizing stats with a client you ran traffic with during your last pay period. We'll have more information on when you can expect your payment soon. :)" "Your earnings will be migrated over to the new platform shortly. NET30s were delayed due to the migration but if you're owed a payout it should be released shortly." but since this, I have contacted them several times but they aren't want to respond and they don't want to give me my money.
I just joined PeerFly about 3 months before they closed. It's sad to die after 3 months that sadie my affiliate manager and I began to kick things off. But she never told me they were closing. The last thing I heard was that they were switching to a new platform. Oh well. It is what it is.