Hi, Im about to start out affiliate marketing without a website until i get the earn the cash to build one and pay for hosting, domain name, etc. I have done some research and I've decided to start out with free blogs, articles, web pages, message boards, etc. Can anyone give me an example of how I would structure different pen names for multiple niches? I want to be on the right path for the longterm growth of my internet marketing business. I don't want to start off making a big mistake by discrediting my name/business name. I understand the same name for multiple niches is bad for business because its not believable to customers to be an expert/guru for multiple niches and hobbies, and of course using the same name on forums (whereas I'm a beginner as opposed to an expert when marketing a product). I have also heard of using multiple pennames on one article, giving the appearance of a team. Is that helpful? Hope I didn't lose anyone. Also, Is it even worth it to start out without the website or should I just wait and save up the cash for a website?
Thanks for listening, I Hope other newbies find these questions beneficial!
Thanks for listening, I Hope other newbies find these questions beneficial!