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Bilal Blair

New Member
Hi guys,

I decided that I am going to focus and stick to affliate marketing and not CPA marketing mainly because I want to build a brand and stick to one thing.

I want to focus on something that I am passionate about and for me that is football (soccer).

How can I find unique ideas for a micro niche in soccer?
For unique ideas for micro niches, you first need to identify the micro niches you want to promote to.

If you are a well informed individual in the soccer niche, then get out a pen and paper and identify what parts of soccer attract the most fans. Maybe autographed stuff and collectibles, memorabilia, statisticals, clothing, schedules, online betting, etc. Find what has the most interest and then start researching the micro niche for where money is spent by the micro niche. You can build a great site full of products and place affiliate links in banners on the site. Be sure to add quality content with articles, posts, special event announcements, etc., at least three times a week and daily when possible.
Thank you for your suggestions. My previous niche was solo travel but I did not find any enjoyment with that which is why I am going down the soccer route. Just trying to narrow down a unique niche
For example, you can try to soccer equipment (soccer balls, soccer cleats, collectible footballers card, etc)
Simply my friend ,just put soccer keyword in a keyword tool and will show you a lot of keywords and this are your subniches ,decide what you like ,you know more etc
I choose the soccer training niche and created a website , bought a domain and then quickly realised that no one will ever read a blog to play football, they will just watch YouTube videos.

Not sure what to do now, feel quite stuck. Any suggestions? Thanks