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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

please suggest !!!!!


New Member

I am doing work on a website. but it is not ranking good on search engine, i am doing link exchange continuously one day it came down on 40 after 2days it is on 63. Some one can suggest me what i have to do. please help.

Hi Hiten.

I can tell you what I have done that has given me great SEO for what I promote. I write articles about my product. Before I set down to write a new article I will do some research on a keyword and choose one that has high demand but low quantity of articles. Sometimes that is hard to do but I just do my best. My articles are only 300 to 500 words and I use my keyword about once to every 100 words. The search engines like this and will rank you faster. I normally can get my articles ranked on the top of the first page for my keyword with in 5 to 6 hours after publishing it.

Try these steps:
1- Analize a few keyword.
2- Write 5 articles using your keywords. (Only use one keyword per article.)
3- Publish it with an article site such as HubPages, Squidoo, EzineArticle etc...
4- Backlink like heck!

Good luck and I hope this helps.
Yes, If you are working on the type of site you are and have little experience, drop that site, because what you are targeting is a tough job for a professional with loads of experience and the resources to get the required links.

This is not a good subject for a beginner to tackle, the competetion is crazy in your field.

Not trying to be negative. I thought about this all day before responding and sometimes we bite off more then we can chew.

Link trades or exchanges are not the best for SEO. Sure do not work as well as they use to. Better are one way links to your site from sites with related content.

Also, the more competitive your keywords/phrases are, the more link backs your going to need to rank well.

Plus it takes time. So many people want to get ranked fast, it usually doesn't happen.
There's a lot of ways you need to do... forum posting, articles, directories, social bookmarks, etc.. all of these can be done in organized and scheduled activity...