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Poor Misi Google update made SEO contest algo ...


New Member
Misi has been having a hell of a time getting our SEO contest algo to work the way we wanted, the results kept getting screwed up, its never consisten, even the same Google server does not return the same result. He did not put the Google dance factor into account because no one was expecting PR update so soon.

But now we know whey his results of the past few days were skewed, perhaps when he get back to coding it next week he will get a more consistent result .
Temi, i would grab the occation and say congratulation to the new PR pf the forum! 6 is a really very nice result.:)
Ummm, emm, I don't know why you are saying congratulations to me, it should be congratulations to us, you are part of the reason the site has its PR so I will say congratulations to you too and thanks for you part in in, I appriciate it very much :)
Temi, i don't know any word that might be properly used to describe the level of your wisdom:applause: