hello everyone,
I want my first experiecne to be plesent ( I'm funny that way ) I understand that affiliate marketing is a studying procces,so in oreder to lean from my mistaks at I aim for good ones.
I am planning to promote this new platform for creating websits, on the affiliate network prommotion proposal you can get a landig page and banners, all other landig pages should be opproved.
My questions for the pros are:
1.Which kind of products/ niche would you recommened me to start from and how (landing page, Search, Social media) assuming i dont have a mailling list.... yet.
2.If i am to chose on prommoting this new platform for creating websits what is the best way to promot such a product ( just sandig traffic to the given landig page ? ) on the affliate network proposal page you can chose from a given landing page or banners (all other tools must be opproved) so what is my added value, OR IS IT NOT NEEDED???
thank you for your Help
I want my first experiecne to be plesent ( I'm funny that way ) I understand that affiliate marketing is a studying procces,so in oreder to lean from my mistaks at I aim for good ones.
I am planning to promote this new platform for creating websits, on the affiliate network prommotion proposal you can get a landig page and banners, all other landig pages should be opproved.
My questions for the pros are:
1.Which kind of products/ niche would you recommened me to start from and how (landing page, Search, Social media) assuming i dont have a mailling list.... yet.
2.If i am to chose on prommoting this new platform for creating websits what is the best way to promot such a product ( just sandig traffic to the given landig page ? ) on the affliate network proposal page you can chose from a given landing page or banners (all other tools must be opproved) so what is my added value, OR IS IT NOT NEEDED???
thank you for your Help