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Position Change


New Member
Hi All

Can anyone explain why my site has dropped 20 pages in the last 2 days??? It seems really strange behaviour. I haven;t been doing anything dodgey.

Is there any way you can find out these things?

I have a .com domain hosted in the US, so I did use webmaster tools to set it to UK region on Sunday. But once I noticed the drop I changed it back.

Cheers Sean
I see. Now that you have changed it back, has your site gone back to where it used to be in search engine ranking?
I would suggest now to make any changes anymore and just hold tight for a few days. You should also investigate to see if some powerful links pointing to the site was remvoed recently.
If anything more links have been added, recently alot more links have been added from relevant sites. Didn;t really have many powerful links.

If only one of these SEO companies who contacted me where reliable and took payment on results.
If you want payment on result, try PPC, asking and SEO company to take payment on result is asking for too much I think.

I do a lot of PPC.

Yes I understand what you are saying about the SEO companies.

Are there any recommended one on the forum???

Cheers Seam
The SEO I could have recommended said he is retiring, give send him a PM anyway, maybe he is getting bored and want to get back in the game, he is OWG.

You can also contact one of our advertisers, the link on the top right hand of this forum.
OWG is no longer excepting PM's.

Thanks for your help. Hopefully my site will improve it's position soon, it;s actually improved in Yahoo.

The key word I am after is not very competitive, so I assumed I could do it all myself.
Yes I mean my SERP position for one keyword. I am now back on page 12 so getting back towards the front.

Is it true that 80% of your SERP is down to links??
Not sure about the percentage but a significant portion of it is down to links, if you build a site with excellent meta tags, well optimised keywords etc but with no link pointing to it, I doubt if that site will rank highly or rank at all for any keywords so, yes, a large portion of SERP position is down to links (also quality of links matters, not just any rubbish link but quality links from sites with related contents).