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Post Panda SEO ? 8 Things You Need to Know



Post Panda SEO ? 8 Things You Need to Know
by Josh Spaulding
December 6th, 2011

If you are associated with SEO in any way, you?ve likely seen the word ?Panda? about 108,231,644 times over the past several months by everyone and their brother. PotPieGirl has been keeping up with it pretty extensively and has gotten a lot of attention for it. And now, you can add one more to that number.

It can get a little confusing trying to figure out exactly what Panda is and what it means to you specifically. However, it?s important for you to know at least the basics because even if your current sites were not affected yet, future sites may be. You might start a new site and do the things you?ve always done, but it just never gains traction in Google.

Lets go over what I?ve learned and/or experienced over the past few months?
SEO is the best and highest quality traffic for many affiliate verticals. It takes hard work and determination to get ranked for many high competition keywords, however if you are able to get on the first page for these keywords, it is definitely worth the hard work, and can bring in some very serious mula.