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PPC Techniques


Get your fix Ninja!
Hey guys,

I came across this forum because i am a newly CPA marketer because of the whole adwords ban going crazy, im not banned but just incase i do want another income stream coming in.

Now being said so, it would be of great help if you guys could answer my questions;

1.How to run a good PPC Campaign?
2.PPV or PPC?
3.What PPC company do you guys use?
4.Any techniques to CPA?

Also if you guys know of any good articles on CPA marketing, please feel free to link it into the post. Thank you guys, and all the best to your future endeavors.
1. In a nutshell split testing and optimizing :)
2. Depends on what you are good at... In PPV you are probably going have to use Photoshop and html, and they are different.
3. Most use 7search but if you have a good budget you can try adcenter.
4. What do you mean by techniques?

Visit and look up his 7search articles.

Any questions just ask ;)
1. In a nutshell split testing and optimizing :)
2. Depends on what you are good at... In PPV you are probably going have to use Photoshop and html, and they are different.
3. Most use 7search but if you have a good budget you can try adcenter.
4. What do you mean by techniques?

Visit and look up his 7search articles.

Any questions just ask ;)

How do i optimize a PPC campaign?
i do have a good budget, around $500.
You optimize seeing what keywords/landing pages/sub-id's convert better, and remove all the others that aren't doing so hot.
With a 500$ budget you have these options:

CPM - POF or Facebook
PPC - Adcenter or 7search
PPV - Lead Impact
Small Media buys (also CPM) - sitescout, juicy ads (case study) and direct media buys

and there are a couple others. Now go to google, this forum or the warrior forum and search tutorials, case studies, etc. and find what it fits you and your budget better.

Good luck
Hey David,

please tell me what these abbreviations mean, remember i am a noobie. I do understand PPV, and PPC everything else is all a blank.
Hey David,

please tell me what these abbreviations mean, remember i am a noobie. I do understand PPV, and PPC everything else is all a blank.

I use bevomedia to optimizes my campaigns, also they have a great labs where you see what LP works better with what offer, what traffic source works best, on what day of the week and time of day.



but there are other options for tracking all your data.
prosper202(free tracking script) but you will need to invest in a good VPS just for it.
cpvlab (300 one time, script) but you will need to invest in a good VPS just for it.
tracking202(paid 89/month hosted tracking)
bevomedia(free / and paid for more options and live support) able to link your cpa networks and see your stats in one platform.

I have been hearing a whole lot of "sub-id's" now what does that mean?

Here are good places to learn more about subid's
Subid | The Official Blog of Ryan Bukevicz and BeVo Media. Internet Marketing Strategy and Internet Marketing Tips