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PR update disappointment what do you do?


New Member
If you had been positioning your site to get certain PR or ranking in search engine, after a PR update, if you do not get the PR you have been hoping for, naturally you will be disappointed but what do you do after that?
No reason to be disappointed here. Me and my team managed to increase the PR on over 30 websites and to maintain the same PR on another 16, not a single drop so we are pretty happy with our results from PR perspective.

This update clearly outlined Google's intentions and even if I was skeptical a few months back now I see what they are trying to preach. So many times I've said that PR is not important , still saying this, but hats of for them - they are just trying to make it better.
Who are they trying to make it better for is the question marius? paid links is still alive and kicking, perhaps slight changes to how people buy and sell links but it still there non the less.
If someone did not mentioned that update is going on I would not even look at it. Whatever happens it will not change my aproach since I never tried to build links based strictly on PR. As long as my SERP and traffic is improving - I am happy.

Increase in PR would be just a icing on the cake.
Who are they trying to make it better for is the question marius? paid links is still alive and kicking, perhaps slight changes to how people buy and sell links but it still there non the less.

I'm not talking about paid links, Temi! This is another problem which they will have to sort it out somehow. I'm talking about the quality rather than quantity. They seem to take a big step forward towards this issue.

As in your case (Haabaa) I would strongly recommend to get in touch with them. It is just not fair what's going on and they will need to have a good answer for that. Same applies to , another high quality directory which has been treated unfair in my opinion.
I didint have a bad update really, actually i only just found out about it since ive been away all week :), one of my sites dropped the rest either grew or stayed the same or got stonger with more inner page PR etc, i also just noticed this week that my Tottenham site has just been accepted into Yahoo directory with out me paying for it so all in im very pleased :)
Good news for you! Did you submit it before or they just found your site and included it by them selves?
i submitted it about a year ago when i first got serious about the site and started promoting it, taken along time but at least its there now :)
If you had been positioning your site to get certain PR or ranking in search engine, after a PR update, if you do not get the PR you have been hoping for, naturally you will be disappointed but what do you do after that?

Do you have some sites you are disapointed with?

Haven't seen any huge gains but sites i promoted most have increased a little.
Not really Jamie, apart from LBS website, I was expecting it to increase a bit but it did not, but I did not do any link building for it, I was expecting the link from users to do it for me, looks like I also need to build link in addition to that if I want the PR to increase.