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Public PageRank updates ending?



Matt Cutts on SEO, PageRank, Spam & the Future of Google Search at Pubcon Las Vegas - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)
Search Engine Watch
October 24, 2013

Bad News for PageRank Fans

For PageRank devotees, there is some bad news. PageRank is updated internally within Google on a daily basis and every three months or so, they would push out that information to the Google toolbar so it would be visible to webmasters. Unfortunately, the pipeline they used to push the data to the toolbar broke and Google does not have anyone working on fixing it. As a result, Cutts said we shouldn?t expect to see any PageRank updates anytime soon--not anytime this year. He doesn?t know if they will fix it, but they are going to judge the impact of not updating it. The speculation that PageRank could be retired is not that far off from the truth, as it currently stands.

I wish they would get rid of it anyway since it is a worthless metric these days. I can beat pr4 and 5 pages/domain with a PR1 or PR0 pages.

I have been using this and you do not need but a few high quality links and a lot of Co-Citations and you can destroy the competition. No bad backlink profiles and no danger of algorithms changing the link profiles.

Use nothing but branding, naked URLs, mentions and co-citations. You will rock the serps.