Starting with a new ad network is always a pain - and most commonly includes some painful losses. Is there any ad network that can offer a more guaranteed start?
Yes There is - Meet BidVertiser Quality Score Filter
Oh! What’s that?
The BidVertiser Quality Score Filter is a game-changer. It segments traffic sources based on their conversion rate. The higher the score is - the higher the indicated conversion rate is. The score is recalculated daily using a vast amount of data received from our advertisers.
When kick starting a new campaign - you can select Quality Score of 7+ (out of 10) - which will greatly increases your chances of running a profitable campaign right from day one

Is there a catch?
While the Quality Score Filter brings sunshine to your campaigns, there's a little rain as well. It's essential to note that the higher the Quality Score, the higher the required bid and the potential for reduced traffic.
So what is the best practice?
To optimize your campaigns, start with a decent Quality Score, and as you observe conversions flowing, gradually release it to win more traffic at a lower bid. Remember, not every traffic source performs the same for every offer. Long-term, the best practice is to optimize by SUBIDs.
Got a new offer that you wish to test?
Go ahead and create a campaign - just don't forget to set your Quality Score! This simple yet powerful tool will give your new offer the boost it needs for a successful start.