Hi guys,
Just a newbie question. I am currently looking for a good keyword that I could start with SEO. But I have a lot of parked questions in mind. I hope you could help me with this.
1. Keywords - I use Jaaxy looking for my keyword (trial version). Do you recommend any good keyword tool exactly like Jaaxy that is free or cheap? I am looking for something that has:
Monthly searches
Traffic - Visits to your website to rank first page.
QSR - Keyword Competitors
KQI - Keyword quality indicator. RED for low, YELLOW is okay, GREEN is high
SEO - Score based (0-100). The higher the number, the more likely you will rank on the first page.
Domains - Availability of the domain that is related to the keyword.
2. Domains - After you find a good keyword, do you revolve around the domain name on that keyword? For example, the keyword is 'best toddler car seat'. Will it make your domain 'besttoddlercarseat.com'? OR do you make a website/blog/brand like 'babyquestions.com' with an article of 'best toddler car seat'? and rank that with SEO?
I hope I explained it right.
3. Websites - This question is very similar to the second one. But I just want to be clear with it because I don't have that enough budget to make a domain for every article (which is obviously a very shameful/funny thing). Do you make a brand website then make articles/blog with good keywords with it?
Just a newbie question. I am currently looking for a good keyword that I could start with SEO. But I have a lot of parked questions in mind. I hope you could help me with this.
1. Keywords - I use Jaaxy looking for my keyword (trial version). Do you recommend any good keyword tool exactly like Jaaxy that is free or cheap? I am looking for something that has:
Monthly searches
Traffic - Visits to your website to rank first page.
QSR - Keyword Competitors
KQI - Keyword quality indicator. RED for low, YELLOW is okay, GREEN is high
SEO - Score based (0-100). The higher the number, the more likely you will rank on the first page.
Domains - Availability of the domain that is related to the keyword.
2. Domains - After you find a good keyword, do you revolve around the domain name on that keyword? For example, the keyword is 'best toddler car seat'. Will it make your domain 'besttoddlercarseat.com'? OR do you make a website/blog/brand like 'babyquestions.com' with an article of 'best toddler car seat'? and rank that with SEO?
I hope I explained it right.
3. Websites - This question is very similar to the second one. But I just want to be clear with it because I don't have that enough budget to make a domain for every article (which is obviously a very shameful/funny thing). Do you make a brand website then make articles/blog with good keywords with it?