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Question about using a pseudonym or alias name


New Member
Anyone else use an alias name?

I was wanting to use an alias name for security reasons and to keep my real face book and other social media separate. I have a few questions tho. I've already made a face book account with my alias name.

1 Would it be best to put my fan pages under my alias face book account ?

2 I also read that I should register my domain name and websites under my alias name? How would I go about that tho if my credit card and billing info would be under my real name?

3 Or do I need to come up with a business name and put everything under my business name?
1. While I can't weigh in on your facebook account questions, I can weigh in on the others.

2. It is not uncommon to register a domain name under an alias. When you go through checkout on your selected registrar's website, you will more often than not have the option of inputing domain related contact information and inputing separate billing information. Companies never publish billing information, so you won't have any concern there. While this method is reasonably common, an arguably more ethical way to accomplish the same privacy would be to pay for domain privacy! For example, GoDaddy offers domain privacy for something like $7.99/year. So they user their proxy name/email for the registrant info. Do keep in mind that not using your real name, or making your real name private, could potentially pose challenges. It is tougher to obtain certain types of SSL certifications (although you won't have an issue with basic certs) and it can be tougher to acquire credit/debit card processing! So just something to keep in mind.

3. (Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, so please don't accept my response as proper legal counsel.) Companies can own domains, but it is not a requirement by any means. You can own the domain yourself, or own it under your company. This can be a very complex or simple question, depending on how you want to structure your business.