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Quick pixel firing question


Active Member
This is the noob section right? :D

I understand when a pixel firing code is embedded on a thank you page after conversion.
But after watching the Funnel Flux tutorial videos (and others on youtube), the pixel firing is inserted in a node before the actual offer. I've even seen rotators after the fact.

So what is achieved by this? If you track the LP before conversion, great. You've got your metric.

But if the funnel has a LP click through -> pixel -> offer ... then you always get a pixel fired regardlees if the offer converts or not.

What am I missing here? @Vita Vee ? Une petite aide svp? ;)

This is the noob section right? :D
yes you are in the right place :)

But if the funnel has a LP click through -> pixel -> offer ... then you always get a pixel fired regardlees if the offer converts or not.

okay about the first one is easy you put that peace of code that's gonna be fired when the visitor is in the thank you page .

in the case you mentioned at last the peace of code that's injected in the landing page is only there to measure the bounce rate or the CTR and other things , i can't give you a rule cus each tracker is different , and when the visitor converted the network it self let the tracker to know that that specific visitor is converted , that's total different than what you have said in the beginning :) .

follow this small tutorial of mine and you will understand what i am saying .

must know info - this is how tracking sotware works? .

sorry about the photograph errors i don't correct them