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Quick Question about Bing...


New Member
Anyone know what Bing's market share is - at least when it comes to searching?

Also - I'm doing good in Google - I like to pick up extra traffic from this SE - anything I should be doing different?
Microsoft's Bing market share jump: Too little, too late - Computerworld Blogs

Microsoft has good reason to be pleased with recent figures that show Bing has a nearly 10% share of the search market, nearly 31% higher than a year previous.

Bing's share of the search market was 9.9% in October, up from 9.4% in September, reports ComScore. Back in May, it was at 8%. That translates into nearly a 25% increase in five months. The increase is even more impressive when you consider that until May, Microsoft's market share was heading south. It was 8.5% in January, slid to 8% in May, and has rebounded since then, largely because of the launch of Bing, Microsoft's redesigned search.

Bing is an impressive piece of work. It's fast, does an excellent job of finding the best search matches, and includes some very nifty features. If Bing and Google started off with equal market share, I think their market share would stay neck and neck. Bing is that good.

Bing's market share increases while Google and Yahoo continue to decline

The search engine rankings for January 2010 have just been released, showing continued growth by Microsoft's Bing at the expense of both Yahoo and Google's search service.

When combined with comScore's statistics for November and December, there's definitely a trend in Bing's favor -- though in November, larger bites were taken out of Aol and Ask's search services. Unfortunately the stats don't go back any further, but Bing's growth of 1% in just two months is still significant.

According to the second article, "Microsoft" search was at 11.3% in January 2010. I assume that means Bing + ??? (Both reports are citing the same.ComScore statistics:

comScore Releases January 2010 U.S. Search Engine Rankings - comScore, Inc
Very interesting - thank you very much.

Maybe if MS continues to pump money into advertisement - they may have a shot - of course - they have to get better than G w/ their Search algorithms.
Don't forget they have approval for that deal with Yahoo, whereby Microsoft will provide search and Yahoo advertising. That alone is going to boost their share of search whenever it begins.

Goggle still has the lion's share of search, no doubt about it, but it has fallen a little bit and they should be worrying about that. At a certain point, a slight downward or upward trend can suddenly gather momentum. Google had the benefit of that in their early days, but if they are complacent they will follow AltVista and others into extinction.

And in the meantime, Bing has an appeal for many people who buy new computers with Bing defined as the default. For webmasters and marketers, that means it's a big mistake to ignore Bing.