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Well as you all may rememeber about a month and a half ago i was talking about helping my friend get his site listed in google and yahoo for the keyword "steel Buildings", the site started no where to be seen in any search engine for any key words apart from its domain name. Even though my friend had been paying a so called "SEO Expert" monthly for the last year !.

In one month he is now listed in yahoo at 5th place and google 9th place which will be even better in the next month i believe, personally im really pleased with the results at the moment as "steel buildings" i thought was quite competitive.

1st place here we come :D
You have been pointing some quality links to that site so I am not suprised that its been doing so well :)
Oh i remember that thread, and glad that you achievied so nice rankings. I wish that the mentioned site will be the No1. very soon
Thanks guys its given me a huge boost as this is really my second site ive ever promoted properly along with my tottenham site. Now i know that what im doing is correct i can put more effort into my directory's too :D
Hey everyone me again, just to give you a quick update on my progress with this, the site is now listed at 3rd in Yahoo and 2nd in Google, im really pleased with this plus we are now ranking for many many other keywords too. NO.1 here we come :D
Yeah hopefully it will pay off for my friends business now, he was paying this "SEO company" for a year and they couldnt even get him in google so cant see what they were doing. :confused:
haha when i checked they hadnt made any links what so ever, they told him its all about content and meta tags and nothing else lol Hmmmmm :rolleyes:
haha yeah with some of the sites ive done for people ive heard some real cowboy story's, people that really havent got a clue about any thing. Mostly webdesigners that claim to be seo's too :drunk: