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Reasons for significant drop in conversion rate?


New Member
Hi everybody. I recently registered with affiliatefix to share my campaign promotion results with popunder traffic and i want to get some advice why my conversions are dropping.

I am promoting an offer that pays me approximately $34 for a sale. I have created my own landing page for this offer and i ran it in couple of weeks.

For some reason my conversions are dropping and i dont know why. I want to give you exact picture how my conversions changed. I promoted this offer in from 01.02.2017 till this day and here is my stats day by day from CPVlab:

I haven't optimized this campaign as it was from the beginning very profitable. So i havent changed landing page nor an offer. What do you think guys about conversion reduction. What caused it?
Hello @Niko8 .
good results by the way .
i think your landing pages has been detected by spy tools and other people are using it , that's the only explinnation if there is no technical problem that i don't know about !!!!.