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Bagi Zoltán

I have just visited my google webmaster account and realized that the google display related websites to my seo directory. Please watch this link to better understand my sleepy sentences. This is my only site which return results for the related: operator. This information is very new for me. Do you have any idea what is it mean?
Maybe its new in Google webmaster account but its now very new.. Google also provide this service to Alexa.. tool bar in the past
I can see that haabaa also has related sites and i have a tip about the related results. I guess that the links are displayed are the other results for the top search query clicks keyphrases.
I am not sure it has to do with top query clicks keywphrases, if I understand you correctly, I think its more to do with how close the contents are to the other site they are related to
I am not sure it has to do with top query clicks keywphrases, if I understand you correctly, I think its more to do with how close the contents are to the other site they are related to

I would tend to agree with that. I tried this and it works with all my sites except the Bid All Your Links which is still very new. In all cases that i tried the related query sites have similar types of content.

This is a very useful find. I noticed this sort of thing in other search engines before but not google. Thanks for sharing Bagi :)
You may have right, but the URLs were listed after rthe search were quite similar to the usual competitors, and i know them from the keyphrase searches.