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[Request] Looking for sponsor!


New Member
affiliate will be totally revamped and is scheduled to re-open in mid February 2006. The staffs at XM will be organising a few major contests to kick start the new XM and is therefore searching out for potential partners, advertisers, software/hardware companies, design companies, webhosting companies who are willing to sponsor a few outstanding products to be given out to winners of these contests.

The new XM will see us using IPB as our forum board and a new designer will be assigned to design a sleek design for us. The board should be ready by early February.

Great benefits await ahead for all potential partners in terms of advertising and other form of exposures for all potential partners as XM will also have a sister site in the form of an autosurf website which will be making its debut in the WWW middle of January 2006. Plans are also on-going for a freelance site to be build to add to the growing list of partner websites of

Email me at admin[at] if interested!
Good luck with your relaunch Adiboy, pm me with sponsorship opportunities available and I will consider sponsoring your site