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Research for Niche Competition


New Member
I am pulling my hair out.....Just thought you'd all want to know that.:eek:

When doing competition searches on google, if you put your keywords in quotes will you not get ACURATE results:
For example if I put in "web site builder" (in quotes) I get 901,000 results, but
If I put web site builder (no quotes) I get over 14,000,000 results,
Now the ordinary shopper searches without quotes and so they will see the 14,000,000 results... AM I NOT GETTING THIS CORRECT?

Are the quotes about RANK research rather than competition research?

Please explain..............THANK YOU ALL!!!
Surfers do sometimes search in quotes but most probably don't and that's not really the point.

The issue is that without quotes G is pulling up any page that even remotely mentions the KW. If there is just an odd mention on a page and the page is not really geared toward the KW and trying to get high rankings then it's not going to be stiff competition.

Plus without quotes it's finding pages that have all 3 words, not necessarily in that order and not even necessarily meaning what your key phrase means.
Using your example "web site builder" even a page about construction that said "if you're looking for a good home builder on the web, visit my site." Now that page isn't directly related to or competitive for "web site builder".

An even better way to judge TRUE competition is to search for the exact phrase in quotes but ONLY if the KW are in the title of the page - like this allintitle: "web site builder". That shows how many are truly focused on the term and potentially optimizing for it, as opposed to someone that just happens to mention "web site builder" somewhere on the page and is not really focused on that market at all.

Make sense?
genuwine4532 I wrote this to you in another thread on the same topic.

More obvious example allintitle: "green widgets" only has 37 competing pages because it's not a real product and not something anyone would really search for, so hardly anyone has it in their title or is writing articles about it.

However if you search for green widgets (no title no quotes) it shows 6.7 MILLION competing pages. Most of those pages aren't competition for the term at all, just have those 2 words somewhere on the page - they arent really trying to rank for it.

That's about the best example I can give.
Thank You

Thanks Linda, I have copied and pasted both your answers and sent them to myself as an email, that way I will see it every time I open my email server. There is so much info, that sometimes you need the important stuff to be staring you in the face.

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