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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Review about our website


New Member

We had developed a site dumpsquestions (pl look at the title of the thread for link) and providing dumps for users preparing for certification exams. Review our site and give out some of your ideas for optimizing and increasing SEO.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry to say that your site is not useful at all, it seem to be made just for adsense, there are more advert than contents.
Sorry to say that your site is not useful at all, it seem to be made just for adsense, there are more advert than contents.

Hi temi,

We are adding contents daily, and it will be loaded with lots of dumps. I need help regarding how to increase page rank and optimize well.
You site is desperate for content. Google will not rank your site well if the only content on the homepage is googles our adverts. You need to get rid of all the ads and concentrate on what the site is offering people. Then once you have nailed that you can slip afew ads her and there, do not base your site around ads. Once you do that it will be easier for people to help you with the SEO of the site.