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Hello all. I'm 50yrs old. I am probably much older than most on here.
I was a web designer 20-30yrs ago (back when we hand coded html pages), but moved to IT operations management as my career path.

I an am American, but currently live in the Philippines. Long story short, but I got robbed of my life savings investment.
I'm getting back into Wordpress web design, since I was given a Godaddy catalog of 40+ domain names as part of my severance package from an IT sales & service company I helped rebuild.
It's time I do something with all these domains. Most are not great names, but they are keyword rich, and would work very well for affiliate marketing. There are a few fairly valuable ones in there though.

The first site I finished is PHexpats .com, a site about Philippines Expats living in the Philippines, or westerners looking to visit the Philippines.
The site is built like a portal to build a community. It has articles about the Philippines, a classified ads section, and a forum.

I have a few dating site affiliates and a Visa assistance program affiliate set up. I also have a Google Adsense account set up, but for some reason they are not showing yet. Adsense says it could take a week or so.

My question is what other affiliates or monetization channels would you add to PH Expats? As it sits now, what additions or changes would you make if this was your site.
I have 40+ domain names. I have a decent hosting package, I've got development started on 6 other sites.
I'm very familiar with the fundamentals, but lack real world experience. My goal is to make $500 per month off this blog.

I'd appreciate anyone's help, as I really need to start generating an income online.
Hello PHgroup,

I am sorry to hear about your trouble and wish the best of luck in growing your business. Your site looks nice and informative, but you could try putting some emphasis on the graphical elements, such as fonts, colors, shapes and edges, placements and formats for ads. Then again, I'm no webmaster myself, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

From what I've seen, PH ad spend by companies is low compared to other geos, but you can't go wrong with Google Ads. Dating is said to be an easy vertical to get into, so you're probably off the right foot there as well. Is optimizing your website for mobile within your perspective?

My two cents of advice is to cautiously reinvest the money you make into the websites, into SEO and possibly even consider the Affkit upgrade on this forum. Games for desktop and mobile can be a decently profitable channel, but not with the best effort to return ratio - thus I would only recommend it as an expansion, once your current channels are doing well. Advertisements without related articles and content that attract traffic will not perform. When you reach that point and become interested in the gaming vertical, feel free to reach me privately!


The first site I finished is PHexpats .com, a site about Philippines Expats living in the Philippines, or westerners looking to visit the Philippines.
The site is built like a portal to build a community. It has articles about the Philippines, a classified ads section, and a forum.
That's really old style. Community today means social media. There are some rumblings of decentralized social media to avoid a lot of the current traps and pitfalls however.

I am not slamming your effort but in order to even attempt to make something like that work; needed is either a large marketing spend or a very, very tight niche market segment, where there is very little competition currently that you could promote with Facebook groups or some other traffic funnel.

I would spend a bit on bulk ads and target the browser language en-us; en, en-gb;


The above chart is a link to other language codes (or, how you get a backlink from a high ranked site ;) )

So, if you limit the language and exclude the local (Tagalog) your spend will be a lot less and the traffic targeted better. You might be able to do this with Bing PPC or Facebook CPC ads when you have the revenue to reinvest.
I think the site is quite good but needs some improvement. The homepage is too clattered, put less articles. The articles are a big block of text, you have to create more paragraphs and insert more images. You already put a dating site offer which is good in my opinion. I think most PH expats want to date local women. I like the meetups but it is not working now.

For sites like these, the most important is SEO traffic, did you work on that? I checked, and you don't have any backlinks, so you probably don't have search traffic either. You should start building links, and when your site reaches DA20, you can start selling guest posts too.