Welcome to the official thread of RevTop - an advertising network with the most advanced technology including one and only Anti-Adblock technology. Stop losing your traffic and decreasing your revenue!
Benefits for Publishers:
1. Anti-Adblock. Our trump card is a unique Anti-Adblock technology.
We can help you generate you revenue that you are currently losing daily - up to 40% of visitors depending on the site category. No more ad free users. See the statistics in the 1st comment below.
2. Use RevTop to get this money back! Recevive the script for monetizing your AdBlock traffic and continue to work with your current partners - gain additional revenue!
3. Weekly payments.
4. Prohibit the CPA verticals you don't want to be run on your inventory.
5. Ad safety - no adult, no malware.
6. Global coverage - monetize your traffic from every country with a 100% fill rate.
7. 100% fill rate.
Benefits for Advertisers:
1. Broad targeting options - reach your audience and meet your CPA goals.
2. High-tech fraud detection - stop paying for fake traffic.
3. Brand safety - impression quality of your campaigns.
4. Handy self-service interface - dead-simple admin area.
5. High-quality inventory.
6. Direct publishers only.
7. Retargeting - rack and identify your unique visitors, direct them to offers that meet their interests.
Register at RevTop and start earning now!
Don’t hesitate to add me on Skype liz.revtop.
Welcome to the official thread of RevTop - an advertising network with the most advanced technology including one and only Anti-Adblock technology. Stop losing your traffic and decreasing your revenue!
Benefits for Publishers:
1. Anti-Adblock. Our trump card is a unique Anti-Adblock technology.
We can help you generate you revenue that you are currently losing daily - up to 40% of visitors depending on the site category. No more ad free users. See the statistics in the 1st comment below.
2. Use RevTop to get this money back! Recevive the script for monetizing your AdBlock traffic and continue to work with your current partners - gain additional revenue!
3. Weekly payments.
4. Prohibit the CPA verticals you don't want to be run on your inventory.
5. Ad safety - no adult, no malware.
6. Global coverage - monetize your traffic from every country with a 100% fill rate.
7. 100% fill rate.
Benefits for Advertisers:
1. Broad targeting options - reach your audience and meet your CPA goals.
2. High-tech fraud detection - stop paying for fake traffic.
3. Brand safety - impression quality of your campaigns.
4. Handy self-service interface - dead-simple admin area.
5. High-quality inventory.
6. Direct publishers only.
7. Retargeting - rack and identify your unique visitors, direct them to offers that meet their interests.
Register at RevTop and start earning now!
Don’t hesitate to add me on Skype liz.revtop.