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Selling Traffic RichAds: Push, Pops, and Native traffic!


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Traffic Manager
RichAds is a self-serve advertising platform where scale meets performance.

RichAds Where Scale meets performance. Develop your advertising with our global self-serve performance ad platform. We offer push, pops, native formats.

Use the power of our ad formats to capture new quality leads from premium sources.

⚙️ RichAds traffic quality is verified by Adscore. We block any bot or other fraudulent traffic.

Why choose us?
Performance team who can help to launch productive ads from the start. The effective onboarding process, making creatives for your ads, and fully managing your campaigns.
Transparent ad platform. Track your ads performance in real time and scale up.
Proprietary Technology. Apply automated actions, use smart targeting options and pre-built whitelists, customize bid parameters, and enable API integration.

Use the power of our ad formats to capture new quality leads from premium sources.

Personal-like notifications or alerts similar to 1-to-1 messages on the user's screen. This format is resistant to banner blindness. Harness the traffic quality, huge volumes, and low price.

Ad tabs appearing under the previously visited page with no interruption of the user experience. This format is easy to launch, it has the lowest bid price and widest outreach.

The format of banners or widgets looking like recommended content and used by major brands and media companies. Run ads on reputable websites, get increased impressions, quality conversion rates, and ROI compared to banner ads.

We Make Tech. You Drive Your Performance. Deliver the desirable results from the start with RichAds.

Use promo code AFFILIATEFIX and get 10% bonus for the first deposit in RichAds advertising platform!

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Recent news:

-turned on source sampling - you can evenly distribute push notifications to different sub segments to test their performance
-turned CPA-optimization algorithm. It works just like on Facebook: learns and optimizes your campaigns delivery
-launched 24/7 campaign approval: no lag with the campaing start-up

Try our - Push Notification Ad Network
RichPush recommended CPC for today!

RUS $0.074
USA $0.085
DEU $0.065
MEX $0.012
GBR $0.135
ESP $0.032
FRA $0.045
ITA $0.028
CHE $0.122
SWE $0.077
Hi! Need recommended RichPush CPCs for today? We have them:

Country CPC
RUS $0.076
USA $0.086
MEX $0.013
GBR $0.135
DEU $0.063
ESP $0.033
FRA $0.043
ITA $0.031
SWE $0.076
IND $0.006
Recommended CPCs for today!

Country CPC
RUS $0.042
USA $0.083
BRA $0.009
FRA $0.034
MEX $0.013
GBR $0.103
DEU $0.058
THA $0.017
IND $0.004
UKR $0.039
To our customers and friends, we at extend our best wishes for a joyous holiday season and prosperous new year. Looking forward to continue our warm association in the year ahead!

Here is our humble present: promo code for 1st deposit 10% bonus (valid till 10.01.2019).
Fresh news from RichPush!

We’ve added new Subscribers lists!

1475 - much traffic from IND, RUS, USA, PAK, LKA, IDN, FRA, VNM, MYS, KOR, NPL, TUN, GBR, SGP
1640 - USA, IND, BRA, RUS, IDN
New CPCs for today! RichPush - one of the best push notifications ad network!

Country CPC
MEX $0,014
GBR $0,092
USA $0,054
DEU $0,047
BRA $0,007
RUS $0,019
IND $0,005
NLD $0,058
UKR $0,038
KAZ $0,015
Mad conversion wanted! Fresh CPCs from RichPush!

Country CPC
GBR $0,091
USA $0,059
MEX $0,012
BRA $0,007
DEU $0,051
RUS $0,022
NLD $0,060
IND $0,006
KAZ $0,019
CHE $0,115
Fresh CPCs from RichPush today look like this:

Country CPC
USA $0,067
GBR $0,093
BRA $0,007
ITA $0,021
DEU $0,059
FRA $0,035
KAZ $0,019
RUS $0,029
MEX $0,009
IND $0,005